Front Row Reviewers

Jul 19, 2024 | Musical

Robert Johnston Shares Insights About Sanctuary Theater Company’s Upcoming “The Fantasticks”

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers (FRR): Hello Robert! Thanks for sitting down with us today. Let’s dive right in. What is the craziest or most creative way you can think of to summarize the plot of this production of The Fantasticks?

Robert Johnston (RJ): So many people have said “I don’t know anything about the show, what’s it about?” and I have the perfect answer! It’s about a girl, a boy, two fathers, and a wall. I like to think that at the beginning of the show the boy and the girl think they’re in love, but by the end of the show they know they’re in love.

FRR: That’s a perfect summary! If you had to describe the process of putting on this show with one word, what would it be and why?

RJ: Magical. Obviously the material itself is just incredible, but the cast and the production team have all been 100% on-board with my vision from day one, and it’s been a truly collaborative process to bring this timeless story to people.

FRR: What is the most interesting, funny, or wonderful thing you’ve learned while working on this production?

RJ: The little nuances that come out during the rehearsal process are consistently delightful. Little head motions, sideways glances, improvisational jokes in the moment that go on to be woven into the fabric of the storytelling. We’re really building a very specific little tapestry here.

FRR: That sounds enchanting. What do you do right before each performance to get ready? And right after each performance?

RJ: As the director, I’m looking forward to sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying along with everyone else! Part of the reason I wanted to do this show is because I don’t see it performed as often in the Salt Lake area as one might expect, and I selfishly just wanted to see it.

FRR: What is your favorite inside-joke from the show? A quote, line, costume, set piece, etc.?

RJ: I mentioned a video I’d seen where Daniel Radcliffe gave the worst directing advice he’s ever received as “just feel it,” so now any time I give basically any direction at all someone will say “just feel it.”

FRR: That’s hilarious! What is your favorite aspect of this production?

RJ: My producer, Connie Beaty, has really given me a lot of freedom to bring my very specific vision to the stage. I can honestly say that what you will see is exactly what I was hoping for.

FRR: Tell us about your cast.

RJ: Sanctuary uses a blind casting process where the production team doesn’t see auditioners at all, so it was a challenging but rewarding process. Going into the casting process, I was concerned because Luisa is a very vocally demanding role, but then right away we had multiple amazing singers come in and just nail it. Same thing with Matt and El Gallo, there’s a certain caliber you hope to be able to find and we absolutely did.

FRR: That sounds fantastic. What is your background and training as a director?

RJ: This is my full-length directorial debut. I’ve previously directed a one-act play in high school back in *mumbles*, and I assistant-directed a production of Little Women about 15 years ago. But I came in with a very clearly defined plan of what The Fantasticks would be and how to achieve it.

FRR: What is the biggest challenge of directing in general?

RJ: Being able to pivot and not letting your emotions get in the way. Things are going to go sideways at some point, and I’ve been very lucky in this experience to have a Cracker Jack production team who have talked me down off that proverbial ledge multiple times. Just be ready to go with plan B, or C, or come up with a new one right then and there. It will be fine.

FRR: And what is the biggest challenge of directing this show?

RJ: I feel the weight of “the world’s longest-running musical” on my shoulders. Because this show doesn’t get produced in this area as often as, for example, Beauty and the Beast or Legally Blonde, I really want to help people see how truly special it is.

FRR: Thank you so much, Robert! This has been a magical insight into The Fantasticks. Everyone, don’t miss this enchanting show running from August 9-24 at Sanctuary Theater Company (1721 W 7600 S, West Jordan, UT 84084 Phone: (385) 296-1495.)

For more information and tickets, visit

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