Front Row Reviewers

Renaissance Now Presents The Tempest: O Brave New World As a Dream of Striking Visuals

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Elise Hanson-Barnett

As part of The Great Salt Lake Fringe Festival, Renaissance Now offers their artistic take on one of Shakespeare’s final plays, The Tempest. The play is presented as a series of beautifully artful vignettes that incorporate specificity in actor movement and audio-visual backdrops with cinematography by Ian Benhardt and Dave Biesinger. Prospero (Marvin Payne) is a god-like voice in the distance, looming over the other characters like an omnipresent shadow. The focus, therefore, lies with Ariel (Savannah Roberts), Caliban (Ethan Breinholt), Miranda (Calee Gardner), Ferdinand (Colt Brown), Trinculo (Daniel Mesta), and Stephano (Chelsea Frandsen).

The highlight of this play is the visuals, as all the costumes, makeup, and design had a shimmering, dream-like cohesion that was perfectly suited to the fantasy play. Sarah Re developed the adaptation along with creating the aesthetic of the play as part of her direction, cutting through the bulk of the hefty play to focus on the enchanting romance, comedic characters, and fantastical elements. I loved the makeup design on Stephano, Ariel, and Trinculo in particular, and my favorite aspect of the costumes was the headdresses worn by a collection of cast members. Every piece of costuming seemed purposefully selected for visual impact, and it was very well done.

Each actor worked to infuse buoyant joy into the piece, grasping the light, frothy tone that Re was going for. Performances I particularly enjoyed came from Roberts and Frandsen, whose vibrancy sparkled through the surrealist abridgement of the script, selling me on their characters’ motivations and desires. Brown and Gardner were sweet and genuine as the young lovers, and Breinholt and Mesta were committed clowns. My favorite scene for the entire ensemble was one in which two movements of Edvard Grieg’s Peer Gynt were utilized in an effective comic juxtaposition. “In the Hall of the Mountain King” played as the clowns raced through the theatre in a bouncy chase scene, and “Morning Mood” played as the young lovers floated around the stage, striking saccharine poses in their lovey-dovey haze.

Renaissance Now has their home in Provo at the Castle Amphitheatre, so their presence at the Fringe Festival is over. Residents of Provo should certainly check out this fun and fanciful theatre company, which is suited to all ages. Renaissance Now’s The Tempest: O Brave New World is a wonderful addition to the Festival and one I’m sure you will enjoy.

Renaissance Now presents The Tempest: O Brave New World
The Great Salt Lake Fringe Festival, The Gateway, 110 S Rio Grande St, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
There are no more productions of this at Fringe, but you can see this show on August 11 at the Castle Ampitheater in Provo at 8:30 PM
Castle Amphitheater1300 E Center Street
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