Front Row Reviewers

Jul 27, 2018 | Salt Lake County, Utah County

Salty Dinner Theater Adds A Feminist Flavoring to Zorro!

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Larisa Hicken

In true salty tradition, the talented troupe of performers knows as the Salty Dinner Theater delivers a flavorful performance of Zorro! in a variety of popular Utah Valley restaurants. The story of a masked bandit who saves his town from a corrupt governor gets a twist in this script written by Jeremy Preston Johnson  and Jennie Johnson. This version includes a strong female lead, Katarina (Alicia Hall), who does much of her own fighting against the unwelcome advances of the creepy Governor Montero (Ryan Golding).

Zorro and Katarina with Salty Dinner TheaterIt’s appropriate that Katarina does her own fighting since Ms. Hall also choreographed the fight scenes. Hall is a beautiful actress who is well matched by Scott Moore as Zorro. Moore portrays an endearingly dreamy and somewhat naive Zorro and the chemistry between to two leads is delicious.

The relationship between Zorro and his sidekick Bernardo (Jeff Davis) is also lovely and Davis is just the right mix of clever and ridiculous. The fight training montage scene with Davis and Moore is simply hilarious. Director Beth Brunner incorporates music with the show in a most delightful way, particularly in this scene.

Another memorable scene is the take down of Governor Montero. Golding is utterly amusing and his evil sidekick Ramon (Tynan Portillo) dies in spectacular fashion. (Sorry for the spoiler.) All of the actors (including Batman) have an astonishing amount of energy that they manage to maintain for the duration of the show.

The standout performer is Brooke Holladay as Katarina’s mother. Holladay is clearly a seasoned actress and singer and her comedic portrayal of the lusty and slightly crazy mother is a lot of fun. Holladay also provides musical entertainment during intermission when the meals are being served. Also during the break, Jason Jones acts as MC and leads a dance competition with audience members.

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If you’re looking for an adventurous date night, don’t miss the opportunity to taste a sampling from Salty Dinner Theater. Their next performance will be Jeckyll & Hyde, coming this fall. Check Groupon for deals and purchase your tickets in advance because seating is limited. Bringing friends makes it even more fun! Make sure you get a photo with the cast after the show for an unforgettably tasty event.

Salty Dinner Theater Zorro Cast with Audience

Salty Dinner Theater presents Zorro! – Comedy Dinner Theater by Jeremy Preston Johnson and Jennie Johnson
July 13–31, 7:30 PM, Location Varies
Tickets: $11-$15 online
Contact: 801-262-5084
Salty Dinner Theater Website
Salty Dinner Theater Facebook Page

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


  1. Jeremy Jonsson

    I am Jeremy Jonsson, listed here as the author
    Jennie Jonsson deserves equal credit for writing the script. Thanks for the lovely review!

    • Tirseh Wilder

      No idea if you will check this but this is Tracey Hall. For an actor in Utah you’ve benn a hard guy to track down. So happy to see you guys are happy.

  2. Elizabeth Bruner

    Written by Jennie and Jeremy Jonsson

  3. Elizabeth Bruner

    I cannot claim credit for all the music–Mary Brassard did the training montage and Alisha Hall picked her own fight numbers.


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