Front Row Reviewers

Jul 26, 2018 | Theater Reviews, Utah County

Go Go See Alpine Community Theater’s Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Maryvonne Wilkinson

If you’ve never been to Alpine Community Theater in American Fork, now is the time to do so. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat should be on your agenda, and it’s only showing on weekends until the first week of August. Don’t miss out because this show does not disappoint. The cast is phenomenal, the singing is sensational, and the dancing is jivetastic.

The story starts off in Canaan with Jacob (Guy Ferrel) and his twelve sons. Joseph’s (Cole Souza), brothers are envious of Jacob’s affection for their younger brother and so sell him off to slavers. This leads Joseph to Egypt where he has some tumultuous times, before finally ending up on top. Through it all, we experience cowboys, hippes, poodle-skirt cheerleaders and even Elvis. Director Laura Snyder and Choreographer Nicole Miller do an excellent job taking the script one step further with the songs and their corresponding themes.

It starts out with a chill in your spine as the narrators of the gold cast come out on stage to set the scene. Emily Hawkes, Tara Kearl, and Caroline Morris are pitch perfect as their voices blend together giving the backstory of “Jacob & Sons”. Then the Children’s Chorus comes in and suddenly it becomes more than your average musical. If you’ve seen the Donny Osmond version of the musical, Alpine Community Theater meets those same standards.

This musical is for everyone. There were children and adults of all ages in the audience, and the cast included children as young as 8. My twelve-year-old has seen the musical before, and we’ve listed to the musical many times, and she enjoyed this more than any other time, so much so, she had to get Pharoah’s (Paul Miller)’s, autograph, thank you, thank you very much. I don’t blame her as Miller does an excellent job bringing the audience into the story, using his Elvis-style charm, causing all the girls to swoon.

As Joseph, Souza brings an optimistic charm to the role, as an inspiration to never give up and always look on the bright side, even with life has got you down. Despite some technical issues with the mics, Souza’s voice is strong enough that he could still be heard without it. So when he hit some of the special high notes in “Close Every Door” with the mic working, his powerful voice reached every corner of the auditorium, conveying the mix of emotions he is experiencing,loss, dismay, but ultimately hope that he is never alone.

With Technicolor in the title of the musical, one expects some color. ACT takes it to a whole new level, with tie-dye shirts, colorful costumes, lights, umbrellas, and the occasional paper confetti burst. It’s so well done that it doesn’t take away from the show at all, but adds to it the perfect element of design and gives the show just the Technicolor touch it requires. Nothing, including the make-up is overdone. This is one of the best off-Broadway shows I’ve ever seen.

Logistically speaking, the auditorium is not labeled well enough that it’ll jump right out at you as you drive by, but you’ll be looking for the Dan Valentine Auditorium. There is no charge for parking, just be sure to not park in the gas station area or to the west of the auditorium. There’s plenty of parking in the south parking lot though. There’s a brief 15- minute intermission in the show, which runs about 2 hours, and any age is welcome to come. They just ask that crying babes be taken out in the foyer.

When you book your ticket for Joseph with ATC, remember that you are in for a real treat and there won’t be a dull moment. If you pay attention, you’ll catch the side commentary of the narrators, Joseph, and some of the other cast members that add a tasteful comic relief and audience inclusion. You may even walk away feeling that you can achieve anything, so long as you work hard and believe in yourself and your dreams you can Go, go, go anywhere.
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The Alpine Community Theater presents Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat by lyrics by Tim Rice and music by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Dan Valentine Auditorium, 839 E 9th N, American Fork, UT 84003
July 23, 26-28, 30 7:00 PM, Saturday Matinee 2:00 PM
Tickets: $10-$15 online or at the door
Contact: 801-404-0736
ACT Facebook Page
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Facebook Event



Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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