Front Row Reviewers

Oct 19, 2023 | Reviews

Interview with Andrew-Elijah Schindler about his production The Queen’s Bones at The Hive Collaborative in Provo

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

FRR: Hey there, fellow theater enthusiasts! We’ve got an exciting and creative production to talk about – The Queen’s Bones – and today, we have the pleasure of chatting with Andrew-Elijah Schindler, the mastermind behind this unique and intriguing show. It’s not your typical run-of-the-mill play, and we’re about to dive into the details.

First things first, mark your calendars! The Queen’s Bones is set to take the stage at The Hive Collaborative on October 19-21 2023. For more information and tickets, head over to []( or grab your tickets directly at The Hive Collaborative ticket portal.

FRR: Now, let’s get down to the juicy details. Andrew, can you give us the wildest summary of the plot for The Queen’s Bones?
Andrew-Elijah Schindler: Bones’ plan to assassinate the king goes up in smoke when she falls in love with the very man she wants to kill. A talking snake set on becoming a dragon helps Bones as she navigates the dangers of love and assassination. Both of which lead her to a particularly dangerous skeleton in the closet.

FRR: Now, that’s an enticing teaser if I ever heard one! And you can bet it’s been a rollercoaster getting this production ready. If you had to describe the process of putting on this show with just one word, what would it be and why?
**Andrew-Elijah Schindler:** Wonderful. Because of all the help that I’ve had, because the story still surprises me after over a year of working on it, and because I am amazed by how much I have been able to grow.

FRR: That’s the kind of dedication and passion that makes for unforgettable theater. But we all know, the road to success isn’t always smooth. What’s the most interesting, funny, or wonderful thing you’ve learned while working on The Queen’s Bones?
**Andrew-Elijah Schindler:** I’ve learned 99 ways not to rig a snake puppet’s jaw to move.

FRR: Ah, the challenges of puppetry! It’s fascinating how the creative process can lead you down such unexpected paths. Now, let’s talk rituals. What do you and the cast do right before each performance to get ready and right after each performance?
**Andrew-Elijah Schindler:** We often do a warm-up that I invented. We create magic spells by combining three syllables that the actors choose, chanting them to ‘cast’ a created spell.

FRR: I can only imagine the energy and connection that brings to the performances. Now, we all love a good inside joke in a play. Do you have a favorite one from The Queen’s Bones?
**Andrew-Elijah Schindler:** Asnakeanation. At one point, our intrepid snake tries to kill the king with less than successful results.

FRR: Sounds like a memorable moment! Now, speaking of memorable, what’s your background in this field, Andrew?
**Andrew-Elijah Schindler:** I am a student at BYU studying theater education. I have appeared in many theatrical productions, most recently in new plays that have been produced in Utah County.

FRR: Your theater education background certainly shines through in this unique production. How long did it take to create The Queen’s Bones?
**Andrew-Elijah Schindler:** I began working on The Queen’s Bones in the winter of 2021. During that time, I took it through two workshop settings, adjusting and changing things all the while.

FRR: The dedication and hard work that go into theater productions are truly awe-inspiring. What do you hope your audience will take away from this piece?
**Andrew-Elijah Schindler:** Delight. I wanted to create something that would have a positive effect on people. Something that would make them feel better and inspired to create things themselves.

FRR: That’s a wonderful sentiment, Andrew! Finally, what’s next on the horizon for you?
**Andrew-Elijah Schindler:** A magical Western based on the Elijah story from 1st Kings.

FRR: Now, that sounds intriguing! We can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next. Is there anything else you’d like to share about A Queen’s Bones?
**Andrew-Elijah Schindler:** It features puppetry, sword fighting, and re-imaginings of Slavic fairy tales. It’s a unique show that focuses on creating a heightened, almost bedtime story narrative.

FRR: Well, there you have it, folks! The Queen’s Bones promises to be a theatrical adventure like no other, with puppetry, romance, and some well-intentioned snake-induced chaos. Thank you, Andrew-Elijah Schindler, for giving us this sneak peek into your enchanting world of theater. Don’t miss this chance to experience a one-of-a-kind production that will leave you utterly delighted!

Make sure to catch it at The Hive Collaborative from October 19-20, 7:00 PM; October 21 2:00 PM, 7:00 PM. Stream it! October 20-21

The Hive Collaborative, 290 W. 600 S., Provo, UT
Contact: (435) 777-3231,

Note: this production is recommended for tweens and up who are familiar The Princess Bride and the D&D movie.

From their Facebook Page:

Let’s tell you about The Queen’s Bones 👑🦴the upcoming theatrical delight premiering the Hive Thursday!🐝

“Things are changing in Kovenstrova. The Wicked Queen, Svetka, has been defeated by the hero Shepherd, and everyone is happy! Except for Bones, the Queen’s old jester. Out of job, Bones hatches a plan to assassinate the king, but love is a fickle thing, and Bones soon finds herself falling in love with the man she’s supposed to kill. Join us for a night of comedy, sword fights, puppetry, storytelling, and magic in The Queen’s Bones!”
We’ll see you this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday!
Tickets are available
Promo code: “bonequest”

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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