Front Row Reviewers

Desert Star’s Dracula–He Loved in Vein is Spook-a-Hilarious

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Jennifer Mustoe

Desert Star Playhouse‘s shows are famous for their funny parodies of stories and familiar Utah-isms that make us laugh and often guiltily cringe–in a good way. This Halloween season’s Dracula–He Loved in Vein is all about spooky, strange, and silly. Monday is a packed house, kids and adults of all ages ready to be entertained as only DSP can do. While the venue can be a little cramped, I still felt our small table and area was roomy enough for my husband and I.

One thing I noticed about Desert Star is how incredibly nice, polite, and professional everyone is: box office personnel, waiters, actors, and the talented and vivacious piano player (Jill Flanagan/Zach Hansen). Everyone is enthusiastic and friendly. It set the tone for a fun-filled night of parodies galore.

Dracula–He Loved in Vein is the story of Dracula (Kyle Larsen/Matt Kohler), the star of the show, complete with white face, red lips, red cape, and fancy suit. The rest of the scary players are: (Rusty Bringhurst/Dan Harvey) as Renfield. The night we attended Dracula–He Loved in Vein, Bringhurst was our Renfield. The character is a proper English gentleman, dressed per the time. After he is bitten by Dracula, Bringhurst spends the rest of the show in a torn white shirt covered with blood. This actor throws himself into the part, and I mean this literally. Bringhurst is frantic, dashing and bashing his way across the stage, and gets progressively kooky as the play continues. He was a favorite of the audience and had everyone oohing and aahing and guffawing at his exploits.

Desert Star always wisely double casts most of its players, and the actors are these: Anna Tanner Duvall and Rio LeFevre as Lucy; Matt O’Malley and Marc Reading as Van Helsing; Carli Wilcox and Alyssa Powers as Miss Wills; Corie Sorenson and Jenny Riley as Mina; Lee Daly as Butterworth; Danny Eggers as Dr. Seward; Brady Flanagan Swing.

Dracula–He Loved in Vein has songs that are fun and appropriate for the season, dance steps that work for the show, and the ubiquitous Yaying for the good guy, and Booing for the bad guy, musical cues given by the accompanist.

After the show, there is a the Monster Mash-Up olio–a compilation of songs that fit the theme where all cast members dressed as spooky characters: Wolfman, Bride of Frankenstein, and more. This is my favorite part of these productions and are worth waiting for.

Every production has its group of the behind the scenes talent and this production team is top notch. Leading and guiding the actors is Director Beth Bruner with Assistant Director Todd Michael Thompson (also the producer of Dracula–He Loved in Vein). Writer is Peter Van Slyke. With two casts and a goofy storyline and script, I can only imagine the antics and frivolity that happened during the rehearsal period. Musical Director Maren Hansen has this group working well together, and making the popular songs new and fresh again. Choreographer Eggers leads his group in a variety of dance styles and the actors look like they’re having a blast. Costume Design and Light and Sound are Brytan Todd, and Lee Daily also creates the wonderful costumes, Dracula’s garb being the true star here. Video & Projection by Jae Varela, Todd and Ben Thompson bring such a great addition for the actors to play off of and the audience to enjoy.

Desert Star also is a full-fledge restaurant with pizza, hamburgers, ice cream, soda, and more. (Food is an extra charge. Drinks have refills.) The waiters float through the maze of tables while the show is going on and seem to disappear like–magic. After the show, the audience is asked if they’d been to the Desert Star before and many hands went up.

Because these shows are popular, get your tickets now. Upcoming is their Christmas production, A White Christmas Story that sounds like a fun activity for friends and family to enjoy.

Desert Star Playhouse presents Dracula–He Loved in Vein, by Todd Michael Thompson.
Desert Star Playhouse, 4861 S. State St., Murray, UT 84107 (ample parking behind the theater)
September 15-November 5, 2022, days and times vary. Check their website.
Tickets: Children $16.95, Adults $29.95
Contact: 801-266-2600
Desert Star Playhouse Facebook Page

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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