Front Row Reviewers

Jan 22, 2020 | Reviews, Theater Reviews, Utah

Puppets, Puppies, Actors, and Special Effects–OFF The MAP: New Owner by The Last Great Hunt at BYU in Provo, UT

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Ben Brockbank

Traveling around the world for many performances, New Owner comes to Brigham Young University in Provo, UT as part of BYU’s International Theatre Festival OFF The MAP. Originally created in Perth, Australia by The Last Great Hunt by Arielle Gray and Tim Watts, New Owner offers a wonderful blend of puppetry, projection of special effects, voice acting, and incredible set design. This production shows the story of two dogs working to survive and get home while working to beat the danger that keeps trying to get them. This is not your typical dog is lost and dog gets back home story, as New Owner takes you in directions that you aren’t expecting. You laugh, gasp, and fall in love again and again with these great dogs helping each other and battling the pitfalls of a busy city and someone out to get them. Additionally, you’ll be cheering for the people trying to help them and love them.

New Owner does an incredible job with how it uses special effects. The set design is broadcast on a screen and the puppets of the dogs move seamlessly through the various places, including chasing cars, sneaking through a ceiling to get snacks, running for their lives, and navigating the underground sewers and going for swims. The effects are done seamlessly with the actors as they portray a kidnapper, police officer, and caring owner. The puppeteers craft their movements and voices so the dogs move in very realistic ways: they areffectionate, brave, scared, and happy as they navigate through the hardships, discoveries, playfulness, escaping, and rescuing.

Rachael Woodward does a phenomenal job of acting as three different humans throughout the show including a police officer, kidnapper, and owner. She does each role with natural expression and is so convincing as each one you will think there are different actors playing each role. She uses her hands and voice incredibly well to show the dog being brave, protecting their dog friend, avoiding and facing danger, and enjoying the thrills of friendship and wonderful food.

Chloe Flockart performs wonderfully as the main dog who finds a new home, becomes separated, finds a friend and protector through Woodward’s dog. Through her incredible mastery of puppetry, her dog shows again and again that they will work through anything for good food, to escape danger, and try to find home. She engages her puppet incredibly well through showing her character swimming, falling, running, jumping, rescuing, and plotting.

Stage manager Karen Cook brings the effects to life marvelously. These effects come from the screen projections, which include various moving parts as the dogs are shown running, escaping, traveling, falling, swimming, eating, and playing. The incredible use of instrumental and vocal music helps to enhance the story and experiences of what the character are going through. The use of sound effects immerses the audience in the worlds of an animal shelter, police station, two cozy homes, the underwater sewers, the city docks, and the villain’s hideaway.

New Owner is an amazing show that shows the creativity of puppetry, effects, acting, and immersive theatrical experiences while keeping the heart and soul of stories and characters that are relatable and endearing. The story will fill you with suspense, wonder, happiness, sadness, and hope. New Owner is a wonderful experience for families and will have something for everyone to enjoy while helping them to hold their loved ones closer.

BYU Arts and The Last Great Hunt Present OFF the MAP: New Owner by Arielle Gray and Tim Watts.
BYU Nelke Theater, 800 E Campus Dr, Provo, UT 84602
January 22-25, 6:00 PM, Wednesday-Saturday
Tickets: $15
Contact: 801-422-2981
BYU Arts Facebook Page
The Last Great Hunt Facebook Page
OFF the MAP: New Owner Facebook Event

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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