Front Row Reviewers

Jan 1, 2020 | Musings

At Front Row Reviewers, We Gratefully Serve the Arts Community

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Jennifer Mustoe, CEO

This has been an amazing, beautiful, successful, heart-breaking, exciting year for Front Row Reviewers, and for me personally. I was in two shows (Angel Street at the Covey Center for the Arts in Provo in October) and the part of my lifetime (Florence Foster Jenkins in Glorious also at the Covey in May). In August, I lost my only sibling. I mention the joys and the sorrows because my rock solid board and team made these huge changes in my life, the good and the bad, completely stress free. I have never seen such teamwork and support. What we have here is amazing.

This year, we reviewed in Utah, Texas, Idaho, California, Arizona, West Virginia, Michigan, Prague, New York, and London. We added all kinds of experiences and events, like food events, another hugely fun comic convention, many dance events, tons of theater, ballet, symphonies, opera–we tried to hit so many events and genres. And our reviewers went above and above and above and beyond.

This year, we published several interviews, reviewed up and coming theaters and musicals, invested in the Arts community in fun, diverse, and interesting ways. We continue to seek ways we can devote ourselves to supporting the Arts.

Through this year, the board has been able to really hone what our purpose is. Of course, we want to Celebrate the GOOD in the Arts. But we realize we are here to serve the Arts community. We work in tandem with the Arts community, to help them get the feedback and promotion they need, and let their communities know what they’re going to see when they attend that show, or that ballet, or that symphony. We realized that in Celebrating the GOOD in the Arts, we are giving people the opportunity to walk into a production and find the good in it, find its message, find its joy. In reading our reviews, our readers have been able to visualize the hours of time each member of that production has devoted–whether it’s an actor learning lines, a costumer making that beautiful costume, that director creating interesting and valuable direction for their cast, and so forth. Each production we have reviewed has been the culmination of hundreds of hours devoted by so many people, and we have brought the wonderful information about these productions to you. We are here to serve you.

In the coming year, we are seeing great things for Front Row Reviewers and the Arts communities we serve. We have more and more reviewers coming on board, more markets in more states in the US, and are finding that wherever we go, there is joy, there is beauty, there is hard work, and there is GOOD. We would like to see Front Row Reviewers send out our diligent reviewers as far and as wide as we can, building this positive brand to a deserving Arts community.

We’re grateful you’re with us.

Thank you for your support. We love the Arts. And we love you.

Jennifer Mustoe, Brandon Stauffer, Amanda Berg, Kathryn Olsen, Larisa Hicken, Tina Hawley, Alisha Hagey–Front Row Reviewers Board Members

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


  1. Ginger Wallgren

    I would love more info on reviewing here in AZ!
    Ginger Wallgren

    • Front Row Reviewers

      We’re working on it. The thing is, finding volunteer reviewers is the biggest concern. We’d love input from our AZ friends with possible reviewers. Know anybody!
      Jennifer Mustoe, CEO


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