Front Row Reviewers

Dec 4, 2019 | Music Reviews, Reviews, Utah

Break into the Christmas Spirit with the Utah Baroque Ensemble Christmas Concert at the Orem Public Library

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Alayna Een

The Utah Baroque Ensemble assembles risers and chairs, music stands and speaker systems around a fireplace and Christmas tree in the Orem Public Library, setting a makeshift stage for the Utah Baroque Ensemble Christmas Concert. The choir starts their warm up with snippets of familiar, rousing Christmas tunes that will coax even the most reluctant audience member to sing along, and finishes with sections of classical tunes and instrumental solos that will expand the repertoire even the most ardent Christmas-music lovers. The audience slowly fills into the seats throughout the library, with latecomers standing in the aisles and leaning on low-leveled bookshelves to listen in. This Christmas concert mixes warm and familiar yuletide tunes, modern compositions, and Latin liturgy, and balances choral performance with lots of audience participation and sing-along to create a performance that is both family-friendly and culturally enriching. It’s the perfect way to start the Christmas season!

The Utah Baroque Ensemble was formed in 1987 and is one of the longest continuously operating choirs in the valley. The Utah Baroque Ensemble plays more than just Baroque music—but they always play some Baroque music. The Ensemble is made up of approximately 35 members who swap their normal concert attire for Santa hats and Christmas lights for this single, festive night. Their partnership with the Orem Public Library began in the library’s early days and will continue to grow as the ensemble becomes one of the first choral groups to sing in the soon-to-be-completed auditorium. As an audience member in this Christmas concert, you can join a tradition over 20 years strong!

Director Martha Sargent doubles as the emcee of the night, guiding the audience through the sing-along portions and giving background information on some of the musical selections. When the children in the audience are invited to come and create a percussion section for “Jingle Bells,” she seamlessly orchestrates their involvement, and every kid is a musician for a moment.

This high-caliber performance is largely acappella, and the ensemble executes each part with precision and resonance. It’s a joy to listen to them, and it’s even more fun to join with them as, every two songs, the choir and audience sing familiar Christmas songs together. The concert is open to the public at no cost, and it’s no wonder that the Utah Baroque Christmas Concert has become a community Christmas tradition for many families. The Utah Baroque Ensemble Christmas Concert at the Orem Public Library is a warm and fun evening that captures the inclusive aura of a family Christmas gathering but offers a wealth of talent and musical mastery that far surpasses that setting. I’m so glad that I Baroque into the Christmas spirit with this ensemble this year!

Utah Baroque Ensemble and Orem Public Library present Utah Baroque Ensemble Christmas Concert.
Orem Public Library, 58 N State St, Orem, Utah, 84057
December 2, 2019. 6:00 PM, 7:30 PM.
Free admission.
Utah Baroque Ensemble Facebook Page
The Utah Baroque Ensemble Christmas Concert Facebook Event
Orem Library Facebook Page

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