Front Row Reviewers

Let’s Do the Time Warp Again The Grand Theater Company’s The Rocky Horror Show

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Emilie Minshew

The Grand Theatre Company in Salt Lake City produces a laugh out loud hysterical production of The Rocky Horror Show. This cult classic with book, music, and lyrics by Richard O’Brien is a crowd pleaser to say the least. Join newly engaged couple Brad and Janet as they make an unexpected visit to Dr. Frank ‘N’ Furter’s castle spaceship. This journey of self-discovery and sexuality is an adult musical comedy that’s a great way to start your Halloween season. As a Rocky Horror virgin, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but by the end of the night I was dancing the time warp like a professional.

When Daniel Beecher struts onto the stage in six-inch heels, thigh-high stockings and a lacey black corset as Dr. Frank ‘N’ Furter, I knew we were in for a treat. Beecher makes this eccentric character his own and delivers each joke with impeccable comedic timing.  Jenni McKay and Daylen Bills manage to strike the right balance of innocent and eventually sexually promiscuous that is demanded of characters Janet and Brad. McKay’s vocals during “Touch-A Touch-A Touch Me” are fantastic and will have you fighting the urge to hum along. Magenta and Riff Raff played by Karli Rose Lowry and Kenneth Starling, are absolute rock stars vocally. Their riffs and runs in the music made the audience whoop and holler. The ensemble has chemistry galore. Each song and dance pull you in closer to the “family members”.

Director Anne Stewart-Mark pays homage to this classic show while still offering a unique production. Each element of the show comes together to form a night of raunchy Halloween fun. The show features a live band comprised of members Kendal White on drums, Mark Maxson on guitar, and Davin Tayler on bass. Led by music director David Evanoff at the top of Frank ‘N’ Furter’s castle, the live band adds to the Rock and Roll feel of the production. In A dance heavy show such as Rocky Horror, a choreographer must be imaginative and dynamic. Aimee Park does just that. My favorite number is “Floorshow”. The choreography Is both sensual and funny when it needed to be. The lighting and set design by Seth Miller and Michael J. Horejsi combine to transport the audience to a Rock and Roll concert in the middle of the Grand Theatre. The staff of the Grand even sold prop bags in the lobby for audience members so those of us who didn’t bring their toilet paper and glowsticks can still enjoy. This opening night show garnered a standing ovation and sing-along from the audience.

This is a Halloween extravaganza that shouldn’t be missed. If you feel like it, dress up in your best Rocky Horror (or Halloween or Punk or Goth or Cosplay) best, strap on some dancin’ shoes, and take a jump to the left and a step to the right with the Rocky Horror cast.

Adult themes abound. The theater is giving it an R rating.

The Grand Theatre Company presents The Rocky Horror Show by Richard O’Brien.
Grand Theatre, 1575 South State Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84115
October 4-27, 2018, Wednesday-Saturday 7:30 PM
Tickets: $9-$23
Contact: 801-957-3322,
Grand Theatre Facebook Page
The Rocky Horror Show Facebook Event

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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