Front Row Reviewers

Jul 30, 2018 | Theater Reviews, Utah County

Twelfth Night at the Castle Amphitheater in Provo is a Blues Phenomenon

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Ashlei Havili Thomas

Twelfth Night, playing at the Castle Amphitheater in Provo this August, is a classic reborn in 1930’s New Orleans.  The play, written by Shakespeare, was originally performed to commemorate the end of the Christmas season.  It tells the tale of Sebastian and Viola, twins separated in a shipwreck, both believing the other to be dead. Disguising herself as Cesario,  Viola helps the Duke Orsino woo his unrequited love, Olivia, while her disguise causes more problems than solutions. Produced by Renaissance Now Theatre and Film, the ideas of class, gender and love’s undue suffering are infused with the blues and jazz traditions of New Orleans.

The opening music, played by Marvin Payne and Colt Brown, pulls the audience into New Orleans’ French Quarter.  Viola, played by Sariah Lyles, transitions wonderfully from the girl mourning for her brother to the young Cesario, exuding unwieldy adolescent masculinity in Duke Orsino’s court. Olivia (Calee Gardner) falls in love with Cesario, Viola with Orsino (John Valdez). The following entanglement had me gleefully waiting for the next impossibly complicated encounter, and I was not disappointed. Lyles, as the “man in the middle”, juggles the feelings she has for Orsino, her duty as his man, and the strong advances from Olivia with precision, leaving the solution up to “Time.”

The sub-plot follows three men–Sir Toby (Payne), Fabian (Brown), and Sir Andrew (Daniel Mesta)–as they and Maria (Stephanie Nygwen Lake) hoodwink Malvolio (Cleveland McKay Nicoll*) into becoming the fool. Their mischievous antics have everyone laughing as the gag continues to grow.  Nicoll surprises everyone with the extremity of his switch, going from the uptight servant to the love-mad fool with one costume change. Feste the fool, played by Bryson Smellie, leads the merry meddling with well-executed wit and physical comedy. Tom-foolery is a key piece of the Bard’s comedies, which I felt the cast splendidly created, all while battling the heat of the evening and the unwelcome attack of mosquitoes, moths, and dragonflies.Watching this cast perform a play I have seen a few times, I found new moments to smile at and new laughs. Director Kathy Curtiss, Musical Director Marvin Payne, and Voice and Text Director Barta Heiner, created a bayou getaway in the New Deal built stone amphitheater. The set, brainchild of designer Rychard Curtiss, clearly depicts the two worlds of the play without overbearing the actors. The smooth and easy feel of the play will sweep you right off your feet.

Renaissance Now Theatre and Film’s Twelfth Night at Provo’s Castle Amphitheater is great for all ages. While the play does start at a later hour (house opening at 7:45 PM, play starting 8:30 PM, ending about 11:00 PM), it is a great family show. There’s laughter, fun, and a few life lessons you can discuss with your fellow play attendees. However, learn from my mistake however, and bring a comfortable seat (camp chair or blanket) and lots of bug spray.

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*Malvolio is played by Mark Gollaher August 13-18

Renaissance Now Theatre and Film Presents Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
The Castle Amphitheatre, 1300 E Center Street, Provo, 84606
August 9-11, 13, 16-18
Tickets: $9-45
Twelfth Night Facebook event

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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