Front Row Reviewers

The Utah Symphony presents Bernstein at 100: Symphony No. 2 with Conrad Tao at Abravanel Hall

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Ana Keele

Conductor Thierry Fischer and the Utah Symphony bring Abravanel Hall to life with “Bernstein at 100: Symphony No. 2” with special guest Conrad Tao. The most surprising thing, for me, about this concert is it is actually three concerts in one. The performance starts with Saint-SaënsDance Macabre. This incredible piece presents a chilling “dance” (for lack of a better word) in which Madeline Adkins (First Violin and Concertmaster) shines with several solos as the leader of this graveyard party. The talent is astounding and putting this piece at the beginning of the performance not only sets the mood, but makes the audience extremely excited for things to come.

The second part was Symphony No. 1 in E-flat Major also by Saint-Saëns. This four-part symphony showcases each part of the symphony ensemble and really gives the audience a chance to see the brilliant direction of Fischer. Not only does the music flow from one movement to the next, but the grace and finesse of the conducting is breathtaking.  I was especially impressed with the quiet moments between one note to the next in which everything would halt until he gave direction to continue. It seemed like the audience was collectively holding its breath.

After a quick intermission, it was time for the main concert of the night, Symphony No. 2 for Piano and Orchestra by Leonard Bernstein.  This two-part symphony is a musical adaptation of “The Age of Anxiety” a poem by W.H. Auden and the music really translates the story. Of course, the star of the piece is Conrad Tao. The pianist from Illinois fits in with the Utah Symphony with ease. The music is arranged in a way that both allows him to show off his talent and enhance the piece rather than fight against the rest of the orchestra. The best parts for me, however, were the slow, melancholy moments in which it seemed like each note from the piano pierced my soul. The audience was moved to its feet at the end of the performance prompting both Fischer and Tao to come back out for a second and third bow. It was an unexpected surprise when Tao did an encore solo performance.

2018 is the year of Leonard Bernstein’s one-hundredth birthday and the Utah Symphony will be celebrating with the “Bernstein at 100” festival. It includes two performances at Abravanel Hall, “Symphony No. 2” and “Chichester Psalms” which will be taking place in March. Bernstein’s mission with music was to bridge the gap between classical, high culture, and what was popular. This being my first time seeing a professional symphony as the focus of a concert, I was a little hesitant on what to expect, but the music was so engaging and I could really understand the nods to what was popular and current at the time. It is the perfect concert to start with on a classical journey.  It was also my first time going to Abravanel Hall and it did not disappoint. Not only is it absolutely beautiful, but the theatre is situated in a way that lets the audience really feel the performance no matter where you are seating. I was also pleased to see that for this performance (and the one in March) they have a special discount for younger audiences. I would highly recommend this to anyone, even those who think they don’t like classical music. I think like I was, you will be in for a surprise.

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Utah Symphony presents Bernstein at 100: Symphony No. 2 with Conrad Tao
Thierry Fischer, Conductor, Conrad Tao, Piano
Abravanel Hall 123 S West Temple, SLC, UT 84101
February 23-24 7:30 PM
Tickets: $20-$71 (Special discount for 30 years-old and younger. Must show ID)
Contact: 801-533-6683
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