Front Row Reviewers

Utah Children Theater’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in Salt Lake is Full of Laughs Your Whole Family will Enjoy

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Regan Whimpey

What an experience my 10-year-old son and I had at our first production at Utah Children’s Theatre seeing the wonderful Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in Salt Lake City. This past weekend, we were able to witness the fun and excitement that audiences have been hailing for weeks. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a treat for all ages.

The theatrical version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Richard R George is based upon the original book written by Roald Dahl.  Amazingly, it contains all of the nuts and bolts of Dahl’s original  version, while never making the audience feel like there is too much exposition.  We all know the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, so no recap will be given here. As the lights come up, we find the lovely Narrator (Lexie Thomsen), whose silky smooth delivery is easy to love.  Thomsen very eloquently entices the audience to follow along as we meet the five young contestants of Willy Wonka’s (Sean Sweeney) contest.  Sweeney’s performance as the famous factory owner is charming and over-the-top hilarious.  Charlie Bucket (Cameron Liddle) is adorable and easily lovable.  Really the entire production is well performed, from Wonka down to the tiniest Oompa Loompa.

One of my favorite moments in the show is when Augustus Gloop (Henry Holmgren) falls into the chocolate river and is sucked up a chocolate pipe.  Artistic Director Joanne M. Parker and Set Designer James B. Parker executed this moment to comedic perfection.  I was in stitches as his body was seen moving through the pipes.  The use of puppet squirrels as Veruca Salt (Tyler Bender) and Mr. Salt (Christopher Tyler) are pulled into a trash chute is pure genius.  The bouncy little squirrels were just the ticket in another great theatrical moment.  I was continuously impressed with the set design throughout the production.  The lighting (also, James Parker) was equally as impressive.  With so much incredible theatre going on in this production, there wasn’t a lot to be critical of. However, there were numerous opportunities for incredibly honest, true, and intimate acting moments that were passed up in favor of a more presentational approach.  There were times that I felt relationships could’ve been more clearly defined.

Utah Children’s Theatre is a quaint little space, known for its witty and whimsical productions that all audiences can enjoy.  Upon entering the lobby, you immediately feel a sense of excitement, and that quaint feeling of a small town theatre.  This production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, on the other hand, was anything but small.  Utilizing  a thrust stage with audiences on three sides of the action of the play creates a feeling of more space than this little theatre actually has, which keeps the audience comfortable throughout each show  It was  very impressive.  I was so excited when I first saw it that I wanted to get up and perform on it myself!  The space is incredibly versatile, able to stage nearly any show for young audiences.  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was no exception to that rule.
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Do yourself a favor and go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at UCT, and bring the whole family.  It was a surprising treat that both my son and I loved.  You and yours will love it, too.

Utah Children’s Theatre presents Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl and dramatized by Richard George
Utah Children’s Theatre, 3605 South State St, South Salt Lake City, UT 84115
December 1-January 6, 1:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 7:30 PM on select days.
Tickets: $9-$16
Contact: 801-532-6000
Utah Children’s Theatre Facebook Page
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Facebook Event

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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