Front Row Reviewers

Tuacahn’s Fairy Tale Christmas in Ivins is One Big Christmas Smile

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Miranda Pugh

Tuacahn’s Fairy Tale Christmas at the Hafen Theater in Ivins, UT is the perfect way to get into the holiday spirit. This is a brand new musical written by M. Scott McLean and Michael McLean. The story is about a few of our favorite Disney villains who are determined to find a way to alter the perfect endings of their stories. They are miserable and want everyone else to feel the same, and tricking Santa is the only way to get what they want. Cinderella’s evil stepmother Agatha (Jennifer Byrne) isn’t happy with the success of her stepdaughter. Byrne also plays the role of Sleeping Beauty and a singing elf. Her amazing voice and signature moves onstage definitely keep you engaged. Drama Queen (Hannah Record) comes from the classic tale of Snow White. Record also entertains us in the role of Cinderella along with a few more. Superb talent delivered in every role. Our next villain is Medoza (Aléna Waters) who dreams of putting Sleeping Beauty away in the tower forever. Waters also delivers a stunning performance as Snow White and a singing elf. Matt Ban as the Giant is so great, his performance had you believing that he was truly one of the bad guys. Ban also played multiple princes, each one with its own unique voice. I am still amazed that he so flawlessly pulled off all of these characters. And how else are you supposed to pull off an evil plan without an insider? Rumpelstiltskin (Jordan Aragon) is the man for the job. He goes undercover as Kevin Snickerdoodle. Kevin tries so hard to stay evil but the sweetness of a particular elf named Imogene (Courtney Capek) tears at his heartstrings. And we must not forget the man of the hour, Santa (Demone). His performance is simply fantastic. Only he has the power to turn evil into great.

The spirit of Christmas is truly felt in this heartwarming production. Jeffry Denman, the director and choreographer, should be proud beyond measure. To create a show that is suited for people of all ages takes success to a whole new level. Dustin Cross is absolutely brilliant when it comes to the Costume Design. I can’t imagine what it took to come up with multiple quick-change costumes that can be switched right before your eyes and not even realize what happened. Lighting Designer Bo Tindell and Scenic Designer Brad Shelton magically transform the stage into multiple different interactive scenes with the use of projectors. The entire room was used at times, which added an entirely different dimension. Annie Hardt, Hair and Makeup Design, did a marvelous job in bringing each character to life. Music Director David Lamoureux,  my hat goes off to you. To have an entire production set to live music is nothing but impressive. And let me not forget to mention how lovely all the music was. M. Scott and Michael McLean are very talented artists.

Tuacahn’s production of Fairy Tale Christmas is definitely on my list of favorite plays. I had no idea that a play with only seven cast members playing multiple roles including both villains and heroes could be so entertaining. The Hafen Theater is smaller in comparison to Tuacahn’s outdoor theatre but that’s what makes this play so great. The intimacy makes you feel like you’re right there with them. I was accompanied by my husband, my 9-year-old daughter, and my 6-year-old son. Although my kids were a little confused as to whom was playing which character, in the beginning, it didn’t take long for them to figure it out and enjoy the show. There wasn’t any intermission but nobody complained because they were engulfed in the story being told. I highly recommend Fairy Tale Christmas to anyone and everyone. Come down to the Tuacahn, catch a little warmth with Fairy Tale Christmas!

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Tuacahn presents Fairy Tale Christmas by M. Scott McLean and Michael McLean
1100 Tuacahn Dr, Ivins, Ut 84738
December 1-23 7:30 PM, Friday and Saturday matinees 4:00 PM
Contact: 800-746-9882, 435-652-3300
Tuacahn Facebook Page


Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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