Front Row Reviewers

Apr 17, 2017 | Theater Reviews, Utah County

The SCERA’S My Fair Lady is a Loverly Way to Spend an Evenin’

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


By Jennifer Mustoe, with Juli Robinson

My Fair Lady is a musical based on George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion–the story of a Cockney flower seller who gets a complete make-over by a misogynist confirmed bachelor Linguistics professor. It is a love story of sorts, but what really is fascinating is as the flower seller, Eliza, learns how to speak, she learns about herself, as well. She blooms like the flowers she sells. The professor, Henry Higgins, begins to grow as well, as much as can perhaps be expected in the Edwardian era the in which the story takes place.

Director Chase Ramsey creates a lovely, familiar panorama of sound, costuming, sets, and passion. What is most striking in this show is the fabulous ensemble cast Ramsey has assembled. Each one had amazing character–facial expressions, movement, interaction with others, and timing. It lent so much color to an already fascinating and delightful show.

Eliza Doolittle, played by Mindy Smoot Robbins, has the biggest challenge in that she begins as a Cockney lie-dee (sound it out) and becomes a poised, well-spoken lady. Robbins did a fabulous job–her singing, dancing, and character were all spot on.

Henry Higgins, played by SCERA favorite Marvin Payne, was as blustering and bullying as we expect and love. His voice is great and he commands the stage (and Eliza) whenever they are together.


Col. Pickering, Higgins’ colleague (sidekick), played by Marc Haddock, was a great foil for Payne’s Higgins.

Costumes by Kelsey Seaver were magnificent. This is a costume heavy show and she outdid herself. I couldn’t wait for each scene to see what hat each character would wear. Of course, the black and white scene was dazzling.

Music director DeLayne Bluth Dayton did a fabulous job. Each song was spectacular. I didn’t hear a missed, flat, or sharp note. The blending of the ensemble voices was especially wonderful. I found this even more true during the opening “Loverly” when there was an a capella bit–no clinkers whatsoever. It started the show so well, I couldn’t wait for each number after it.

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Scenic artists scenic Sarah Thornton, Rebekah Campbell, Naomi Smith, and Aubrey Smith gave the actors a beautiful space to work in. I was transported to Edwardian England and it was lovely. (Or should I say loverly?)

The SCERA tech crew, lighting and sound, always do a great job and this performance was no exception.


There were a few stumbling lines, as can happen on opening night, but they were picked up quickly.

The only ‘negative’ I can say in this review is the show is long. Be ready to be there a while. For this reason, I would suggest you bring kids age 12 and up, especially those who are big musical theater fans. But there is nothing in this show that is offensive or inappropriate for all ages and in fact, this is a great show for families.

My Fair Lady

The SCERA Center for the Arts (indoors) 745 State St, Orem, UT 84058


Appril 14-May 6 @ 7:30pm on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays $10-$12

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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