Front Row Reviewers

Jul 18, 2016 | Theater Reviews, Utah County

Spanish Fork’s Joseph is New, Fresh and Worth Seeing

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

joseph2By Mary Garlitz

So you think, okay someone is doing Joseph again in Utah Valley.  Not a big surprise as this is a favorite among this area. However, I went into Spanish Fork Community Theater’s version with an open mind and excitement to hear all of my favorite songs again.  I was not disappointed.  I was delighted and enchanted by their take on what can sometimes be a pedantic retelling.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat tells the Biblical story of Joseph and his coat of many colors. Joseph is his father’s favorite son and a boy blessed with prophetic dreams. After being sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and taken to Egypt, Joseph is purchased by Potiphar and eventually thrown into jail. When news of Joseph’s gift to interpret dreams reaches the Pharaoh, Joseph ends up as his second in command. Eventually his brothers, who are starving from the famine Joseph predicted, come to beg for mercy and food from Joseph, whom they no longer recognize. After testing them, Joseph reveals himself and is reunited with his family.

Daniel Fifield in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat 2016Director Rock White and his production staff took this familiar story and really took it up a notch.  Mr. White did his homework and went along with Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber’s original vision for the show; not to spoil anything but it is a great trip through time.  I could tell the cast enjoyed this fresh take on a classic.

There are many that stand out in this production but two that I especially liked were the costumes (over 300 of them!) and the dancing.   I can’t imagine putting together that many costumes, let alone the logistics of having all of those people change so quickly, but Larisa Hicken and her crew did a tremendous job getting everyone outfitted and back onstage for their cues.

Costumes in SFCT's Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat 2016

SFCT Joseph 2016 ChoreographyBethany Taylor has been choreographing on and off for Spanish Fork for many years and I think she may have outdone herself this year.  The variety, style and complexity of the dancing literally had me on the edge of my seat just waiting to see what would be next.

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All of the vocals in the show were good as well. And the live band that accompanies the show is good enough to get your toes tapping. They rock! At first I was not sure about their take on the narrator, but by the end I loved what they chose to do and felt it complimented the show well.  I would give a shout out to them for this device, but won’t say any more as I don’t want to ruin the surprise. I will say the blending and harmonies were fantastic.

Daniel Fifield seemed a little unsure at first in his role as Joseph, but by the stirring, “Close Every Door” I felt like he really stepped into Joseph’s shoes and made it his own. Jordan Toney as Pharaoh also was a standout in his role, and really owned the stage. All of the brothers and their “wives” were great as well.  Each brought something different to the role and really danced their little hearts out. An especial standout would be Producer Ken Jensen in the role of Simeon performing the Canaan days number with equal humor and tragedy.

Ken Jensen in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Children's Chorus SFCT Joseph 2016The entire cast was fantastic from the adorable Children’s chorus with their spot on vocals to the ensemble that filled in admirably and brought just the right fill to round out the scenes.

Go see this show.  Yes it’s community theater, but they do fantastic job, and some of the best shows I’ve seen have come from the humble casts and crews of local theater.

Performances run tonight through Saturday July 23rd at 7:00 pm at Spanish Fork High School with a Matinee Monday July 25th at 4:00pm. The address is 99 North 300 West in Spanish Fork. Tickets are $10 for adult. $8 for students and seniors. $6 for children. Purchase tickets online.

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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