Interviewer: Jennifer Mustoe, Front Row Reviewers
We are interviewing two cast members of MadKing’s Productions‘ Proof: Emma Johnson (EJ) (Actress) and Sara Goldberg-McRae (SGM) (Asst Director).
Front Row Reviewers (FRR): What is the craziest or most creative way you can think of to summarize the plot of this production?
SGM: It’s an in depth look into the lives of everyday families following their journey through grief, mental illness, and being underestimated.
EJ: Math geeks with feelings and problems.
FRR: That’s an interesting description, and hearing from both of you makes this production sounds like it’s going to be fantastic.
FRR: If you had to describe the process of putting on this show with one word, what would it be and why?
SGM: Important. This show has so many themes that are so important for audiences to see. From the grieving process, to inequality in STEM fields and mental illness and the things it could or could not be causing.
FRR: This sounds so intense, and remarkably intricate in its messages.
FRR: What is the most interesting, funny, wonderful thing you’ve learned while working on this production?
SGM: I’ve truly loved watching each individual cast really take different directions on their characters. Each person has a such a unique and beautiful view of the character they play and it’s really fun to watch that happen.
EJ: I’ve learned how to live in discomfort and be okay with it. Doing this show is so far out of my comfort zone as I usually only do comedies and musical theater. I haven’t done a play since high school so I was so out of my element.
FRR: It sounds like you two have learned a lot about the work, but also about yourselves. That’s quite an accomplishment.
FRR: What do you do right before each performance to get ready? Right after each performance?
SGM: The main thing I do before the show is make sure everything is pre set. All the props are in the right place, the set is right for the top of show, and all of the costumes for quick changes are set and ready to go. I think it’s important as well for a cast to do a pre-show circle, we typically just pick one word that’s different every night and use it as a cheer. At the end of the show, my job is to mainly make sure everything is picked up and ready to be set for the next show.
EJ: Before each show I like to check in with each cast member and the cast is so small it’s easy to do. Just ask how they are doing and how they are feeling about the show or if there is anything I can change to be a better cast member/scene partner. It really helps me lock in with each of them.
FRR: You two are so grounded and committed to Proof. Bravo!
FRR: What is your favorite inside-joke from the show?
SGM: In theatre, there is a common thing to do and that’s when the director or whoever calls like, “5 minutes to open” and everyone responds with, “Thank you 5,” and something we’ve started to with this company is if there’s a funny line that we wanna go from in a scene we’ll say “thank you” followed by whatever that line is.
Another one that I love is we were going through one of the scenes and Hal talks about how he likes to go jogging and all of us were like, “No he doesn’t” and one of our Hals goes, “Oh I decided I’m a liar.” haha
EJ: There’s a lot of times in the show where somehow as actors we end up mimicking each other and doing the same action at the same time without realizing it. The director will have to ask if we planned it and most of the time we didn’t. It’s small things like taking a drink at the same time or hand movements but it’s really cool that we are connected not only as characters but as actors too.
FRR: Ooh, I love that. The synergy you have in this cast is wonderful!

FRR: How are you involved in the show?
SGM: Director
EJ: Actor (Catherine)
FRR: What is it about this role that made you want to audition?
EJ: It wasn’t really the show to be honest, it was the production team and the theater itself that made me want to audition. I loved working with MadKing in Heathers and loved working with Stina and Sara. They were the big thing that got me to audition.
FRR: What experience do you have as an actor (meaning, is this your first show, your training, etc.)?
EJ: Like I mentioned I haven’t done a play since high school but I try to do at least 1 or 2 shows a year. Fun fact: Theater is a fun hobby for me. I went to school for Nursing and work currently as a full time pediatric nurse in between rehearsals and show.
FRR: That’s impressive. I bet it’s nice to have something to concentrate on and become involved in that takes you away from you day job.
FRR: What is the craziest/funniest experience you’ve ever had onstage?
EJ: I played one of the stepsisters in Cinderella and the director really let us have free rein on what we did. Each show we got crazier and added more and more. I don’t know how she let us get away with it.
FRR: That sounds so fun. It’s always such a delight when we can take a character and make it our own, and push the limits.
FRR: What is/are your dream role(s)?
EJ: I don’t really have dream roles but my dream shows are Parade and Into the Woods.
FRR: What have you found out about yourself as you’ve been rehearsing for/performing this role?
EJ: There’s a line in the show where Catherine is referring to writing the proof and she says, “It was hard, but I did it.” Doing this show reminded me I can do hard things and it’s good to push yourself as a person and as an actor.
FRR: Oh, isn’t that great that as actors we find so much inside ourselves? I’m sure you’ll be great.
FRR: Tell us about your cast.
SGM: Our cast is incredible! I am so grateful for each and every one of them. The professionalism of these actors have made the process one of the smoothest ones I’ve experienced. From day one they were making strong character choices and have challenged each other to push those further through their character exploration. Their technical preparation, training, and expertise have aided us immensely. These actors had no problem being off book, were comfortable with all stage conventions, and are experienced in ways that aided their communication performance with each other. I couldn’t recommend a better team of actors. A special shoutout needs to be voiced for our Swings. We have one Masc Swing, Luke Jensen, and one Fem Swing, Kami McDonough, for this show, and they both have done absolutely phenomenal work. Swings prepare and memorize multiple character tracks and have helped us immensely throughout the production. I, and the other actors, truly appreciate their insights into characters that they’ve shared with us.

FRR: What is your background and training as a director?
SGM: I’ve mainly been on the performing side, but starting 6 years ago I started being a production assistant for children’s shows and then did both for a long time. This is my first time assistant directing and I couldn’t have asked for a better show to have that experience.
FRR: That’s wonderful! It sounds like you’ve had so much experience in so many aspects of theater. I’m sure that is part of the reason why your cast has worked so well together.
FRR: What is the biggest challenge of directing in general?
SGM: I think not getting too in your head about everything you’re putting on stage. It’s easy to let the imposter syndrome in but it’s important to acknowledge it but not let it win.
FRR: Great insight!
FRR: What is the biggest challenge of directing this show?
SGM: It’s our first show in a brand new space so we’re still trying to figure out how to stage things and how different things will work.
FRR: That is a challenge, but it sounds like you’ve made it work.
FRR: What are the surprises and delights you’re finding in directing this show?
SGM: How things that I have experienced in my own life can help to portray this story from a non-acting point of view. And also, I’ve realized how valued I am as a creative member of this family and it’s nice to know that.
FRR: That sounds like a wonderful realization.
Front Row Reviewers would like to thank these two fine folks involved in such an intense and beautiful piece.
Who: MadKing Productions
What: Proof by David Auburn.
When: Feb. 28 to March 16, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 7:30 p.m., with Sunday
matinees at 3:30 p.m.
Where: MadKing’s Fellowship Theater, the Gateway Mall, 167 S. Rio Grande, Salt
Lake City, 84101
Tickets $20