Front Row Reviewers

Sep 23, 2014 | Theater Reviews, Utah County

Harvest Moon Hurrah Theater Company’s Arsenic and Old Lace Delivers Delightful Death

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

arsenicBy Mary Garlitz

Arsenic and Old Lace by Joseph Kesselring has long been one of my favorite shows. I remember seeing the movie as a kid and being pretty scared, but in today’s harsher world it is now more of a comedy and I felt that this cast did a great job with both aspects, frightening and funny, of this classic show. Co-directed by Anna Murdock and Cami Jensen, both long time theater veterans, the show has both humor and the macabre at the same time.

Arsenic and Old Lace is a black comedy farce about the nutty Brewster family, who, despite the proud beginnings (they were descended from the “Mayflower”), they now are basically insane, in different, funny and often creepy ways. Hero Mortimer Brewster (Kevin Keele) is a drama critic who struggles (naturally) with his mad, homicidal family and the Brooklyn police while he grapples deciding if he should actually marry Elaine (Kristal Thompson), whom he loves and has promised to wed. His family includes two spinster aunts (played by Kara Poulsen and Cami Jensen) who poison lonely old men with a glass of homemade elderberry wine laced with arsenic, strychnine, and “just a pinch” of cyanide; a brother (Rob Foussat) who believes he is Theodore Roosevelt and digs “locks” for the Panama Canal in the cellar of the Brewster home (which are then conveniently used as graves for the aunts’ victims); and a homicidal brother, Jonathon (Ken Jensen) who has received plastic surgery performed by an alcoholic accomplice, Dr. Einstein (Josh Keele) and ends up looking like Boris Karloff.

I attended this show with a friend of mine who is not normally a theater patron and she thoroughly enjoyed herself. We both felt the acting was strong and each actor delivered their lines in a clear manner and were easy to understand, something I usually have a hard time with when I attend shows that do not use a sound system.

Kara Poulsen and Cami Jensen were hilarious as the well-intentioned poisoning Brewster Aunts. I enjoyed Rob Foussat as Teddy, especially his authentic interpretation of Teddy Roosevelt. He was funny and consistent without being over the top. Kevin Keele’s portrayal of the put-upon Mortimer was great, and he and Kristal Thompson’s Elaine had great chemistry. Ken Jensen did a nice job maintaining the crazy aspects of Jonathan Brewster. I have to admit, I felt he was a little over the top at first and came off a little Frankenstein-ish, but after he settled down into the role, I felt he was fantastic and scary without being goofy. Josh Keele’s portrayal of the creepy little Dr. Einstein was particularly good and his German accent was spot on and consistent. I never felt that he dropped it at all and I was a bit surprised when meeting him after the show that he was a mild-mannered normal American.

Other supporting roles were played equally as well including: Judd Messenger as the sweet Reverend Harper; Steve Whitehead, Jacob Keele, and Nick Christensen were great as the semi-bumbling police force; and Seth Hansen’s lieutenant Rooney was spot on with his Brooklyn accent and tough cop attitude. I should mention the Irish accents used by two of the police were excellent as well. Special mention should be made of Juan Nuila and Rachael Jensen, but I can’t tell you why or it would ruin the surprise, but they were delightful.

The set design by Cami Jensen, with painting by Kayli Champneys, was beautiful and I felt that they did a fine job recreating a 1940’s New York home. Assisted by Matt Moleff and Steve Whitehead in the construction, they utilized the different levels already built into the stage really well. I especially enjoyed the wall treatment with the gold painting–it is this attention to detail that made the staging really come alive. Richard Lindsey, as always, does a fantastic job with all of the technical aspects of the show and I really liked his use of light to show the different time of day as the show progressed.

My friend and I both really loved the costumes especially the choices for Elaine and the two Aunties. We felt that Anna Murdock really did a great job in bring all of the characters’ to life through the costume and the age makeup.

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Overall, I would say they did a great job with this classic show. My only caveat would be the pacing and I am sure they will do better as the run progresses. I was really proud of the way the cast handled one little stumble. In the first few minutes, one of the set pieces (a small table) actually broke apart, but they handled it professionally and just moved right along as if that was supposed to happen instead of ignoring it. Cami actually worked it into her fussbudget character by folding the little tablecloth that was on top as she scurried around tidying up. Well done!

Please go attend this show, running as part of the Harvest Moon Hurrah in Spanish Fork. You will not be disappointed and it will be a great family activity to get you in the mood for fall and Halloween.

Shows are Sept 19, 22, 26, 27, 29, and Oct 3 and 6 starting at 7:00 PM

Little Theater in Spanish Fork High School, 99 N 300 W, Spanish Fork, Utah 84660

Tickets $8 general admission, $5 for children under 12 and seniors, $30 family pass. Group rates available upon request.

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