Front Row Reviewers

Aug 17, 2024 | Reviews

A Pre-Production Interview with Tami Noble About “All’s Well That Ends Well”

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

FRR: Hi Tami! Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me about your upcoming production of New World Shakespeare‘s  All’s Well that Ends Well at The Alliance Theatre. How are things going as you gear up for opening night?
Tami Anderson: It’s a whirlwind, but an exciting one! We’ve been diving deep into rehearsals, and it’s been amazing to see everything come together, especially with the unique steampunk twist we’re adding to the Shakespearean world.

FRR: Steampunk Shakespeare sounds wild! If you had to sum up the plot of All’s Well that Ends Well in the craziest, most creative way possible, how would you do it?
Tami Anderson: Steampunk Shakespeare.

FRR: I can’t wait to see that on stage! Now, I’ve got to ask—every production has those moments that just make you laugh or smile. What’s your favorite inside joke or quirky moment from this show?
Tami Anderson: Our Fool is amazing and there are many “gasps!”

FRR: The Fool sounds like they’re going to steal the show! Speaking of which, what’s been your favorite aspect of working on this production?
Tami Anderson: This is my first time directing Shakespeare and I have had so much fun diving in and learning more about this “problem” play. I have some amazing actors that I am privileged to work with and our costumes look amazing.

FRR: Sounds like you’ve got a talented team. Tell us a bit about your cast—who should we be watching out for?
Tami Anderson: Both Erin Darby as Helen, and Lola Binks as the Countess are new faces to NWS and have added some voices to the show. Other familiar faces include Jeff Stinson as Bertram and Blayne Willey as the King.

FRR: It sounds like a fantastic ensemble. I’m curious—what’s your background as a director? How did you end up here, directing Shakespeare?
Tami Anderson: I have an MFA in film, focusing on screenwriting, but for the last few years, I have been doing all theatre. I directed Tale of the Allergist’s Wife for Daytona Playhouse in Daytona, Florida. My first show as a writer and director was in the 2022 GSFL, Watch me Disappear and I directed Tent Girl for Wasatch Theatre Company.

FRR: That’s quite the transition! What’s been the biggest challenge for you in directing, in general?
Tami Anderson: Effectively expressing your vision with the cast and crew.

FRR: I can imagine! And what about this show specifically? Any unique challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Tami Anderson: I lost two of my actors due to some health challenges and I have had to learn lines for one of the lords with about one week of memorization time.

FRR: Wow, talk about stepping up! Despite those hurdles, what surprises or delights have you discovered during this process?
Tami Anderson: The Fool is absolutely delightful and absolutely steals the show. Each time we perform this show, we are finding new moments and we are having so much fun bringing the bard’s words to life once again.

FRR: It’s clear you’re having a blast with this production. Before we wrap up, is there anything else you’d like to share about this project?
Tami Anderson: I am thrilled to have been given this chance to work with New World Shakespeare. They have a history of supporting non-profits for every show and for this production, we are supporting Planned Parenthood.

FRR: That’s wonderful to hear. Thank you so much, Tami, for giving us a peek behind the scenes of All’s Well that Ends Well. I’m sure audiences are going to love the steampunk twist and all the hard work you’ve put into it. For everyone listening, All’s Well that Ends Well runs from August 16th to 25th at the Alliance Theatre. For more information and to grab your tickets, head over to New World Shakespeare’s website. Break a leg, Tami!
Tami Anderson: Thanks so much! We can’t wait to share it with everyone.

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