Front Row Reviewers

Aug 4, 2024 | Reviews

Spotlight on Trinity Medina: Behind the Scenes of “Peter and the Starcatcher”

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

Spotlight on Trinity Medina: Behind the Scenes of Peter and the Starcatcher

We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Trinity Medina, a talented actor bringing magic to the stage in Peter and the Starcatcher at the Murray Park Amphitheater. Join us as FRR dives into her experiences, insights, and excitement for this incredible production running August 8-10, 12, 15-17 at 8:00 PM. For tickets and more information, visit here

FRR: Trinity, can you give us a creative summary of Peter and the Starcatcher?

Trinity Medina: Peter and the Starcatcher is a story about Peter Pan before he was Peter Pan. Through the perspective of three orphan boys and a girl with “extraordinary brain power,” we explore crazed pirates, incredibly beautiful mermaids, and a magic dust that allows people to be what they want to be. It’s a story of finding yourself, never growing up, and learning that home is where you feel the most alive.

FRR: If you had to describe the process of putting on this show with one word, what would it be and why?

Trinity Medina: Adventurous.

FRR: What’s the most wonderful thing you’ve learned while working on Peter and the Starcatcher?

Trinity Medina: The most wonderful thing I have learned while working on this production is how amazing the cast is. Everyone from Black Stache to Sanchez have the best sense of humor. The character choices each person makes continue to crack me up. Each time I’m onstage, I have a hard time not laughing because everyone is always coming up with something new and hilarious. Overall, I adore this cast.

FRR: What do you do right before each performance to get ready? And right after?

Trinity Medina: Before each performance, we make sure to fully warm up our voices and bodies. Stretching and vocal warm-ups are done to make sure we are ready. I also do breathing exercises to keep my mind-body connection on point, which helps calm my nerves. After each performance, I make sure my costume is hung up neatly and then enjoy saying hi to the wonderful audience who came to see me.

FRR: Do you have a favorite inside joke from the show?

Trinity Medina: My favorite inside joke from the show is in one of the beginning scenes where a stuffed cat gets thrown around the stage. After a few weeks of exploring the script, the cat became part of a mini side plot between Alf and Bumbrake, who end up adopting the cat. Ever since the cat got adopted, it has been in every scene with Alf and Bumbrake, and it always makes me laugh. So make sure to pay attention to each scene and see if you can spot Alf and Bumbrake’s cat! Black Stache even names the cat at the end of the show, so pay attention because it happens quickly!

FRR: What drew you to audition for this role?

Trinity Medina: Peter Pan has always been a dream role of mine. I believe the story of this show is beautiful, and Peter has a wonder about him I have always wanted to explore.

FRR: Can you share a bit about your acting background?

Trinity Medina: I have been acting since I was a kid. I am currently attending Westminster University to pursue a BA in Theatre with a minor in educational studies.

FRR: What’s the craziest or funniest experience you’ve had onstage?

Trinity Medina: In Peter and the Starcatcher, anytime I work with Black Stache, there is always something wild that happens. He’s always trying to make me laugh by doing new things, and it absolutely gets me laughing.

FRR: What are your dream roles?

Trinity Medina: My dream role was always Peter Pan, but now that I’ve had the amazing opportunity to play him, my next dream role is to play a Disney princess of sorts. Anna from Frozen or Fiona from Shrek are big contenders.

FRR: What have you discovered about yourself during this role?

Trinity Medina: I’ve learned that I love interacting with my scene partners. The more things we come up with as a team, the better I feel as an individual actor.

FRR: If you had to get involved in any aspect of the production besides acting, what would it be?

Trinity Medina: I would have loved to be involved in the music. Our pianist and percussionist are AMAZING. I would have loved to shadow them and watch the crazy ways they play together.

FRR: Anything else you’d like to share about this project?

Trinity Medina: Peter and the Starcatcher is one you won’t want to miss. This is one of the most in-sync casts I’ve ever worked with, and our chemistry shows on stage. So come see us be a team!

Don’t miss Trinity and the rest of the talented cast in “Peter and The Starcatcher” at the Murray Park Amphitheater. Get your tickets now and join the adventure!

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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