Front Row Reviewers

Here’s the Best News! We can “Seize the Day” at Sundance Mountain Resort’s “Newsies”

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

Review By Sydney Gregson, Front Row Reviewers

Newsies, playing at the Sundance Mountain Resort in Provo brought me a whole new experience. I’d never seen Newsies, and finally–I got to learn for myself what the “news” is about this show. When I heard that Newsies is playing right here in town, I knew it was time for me to see this popular musical. Newsies is based on the actual Newsies’ strike that took place in 1899. Demanding fair pay and equal treatment, youth in New York hit the streets to unionize, learning along the way the importance of diversity, friendship, and making your voice heard. Originally a 1992 movie featuring Christian Bale, Newsies debuted in 2011 and took the world by storm. Today, it is rare to find someone whose heart has not been touched by the calls to “Seize the Day” and “Watch What Happens”. With this base of knowledge, Director Jennifer Delac Rimke and Assistant Director Liz Golden take Newsies to new heights.

Sundance’s outdoor amphitheater nestled in a lovely mountain setting, is always a joy to attend, and the quality of actors they find never ceases to amaze me. Sundance has been going through many renovations recently, but that doesn’t affect the ease of access to the theater. A small shuttle runs you from the upper parking lot, down to the ski lifts, and a hayride takes you right back up to the theater. There is also a wonderful new walking path from the parking lot straight to the theater that is approximately a third of a mile and only 33 ft elevation gain. 

Outdoor theater in Utah is tricky, with unpredictable weather in the mountains, but the show must go on. Once we were seated and the show was about to begin, the crew was quick to explain to us what would happen if it began to rain and encouraged us to stick with it. You can feel the dedication of everyone involved in Newsies, whether they are cast, crew, or staff. The wind was blowing, and rain was sprinkling, but the audience pulled on jackets and settled in. The energy was exciting and we were all ready for a great performance. 

Let me tell you, Newsies delivers. The actors use the weather to their advantage, and it feels almost choreographed in. With the opening number, “Santa Fe” (directed by Julie Heaton), Jack Kelly (Jordan Briggs) and Crutchie (Jonny Francis) belt their hearts out from the top of the set as the wind blows and the sun sets gently behind them. It feels just like a movie. All of the Newsies are dynamic and hit their choreography (Erin Farrell Speer and Emily Frazier) cleanly. Quickly you are introduced to the thoughtful Davey (Carter McEwan) and his adorable brother Les (Chase Hardy) that add complexity and charm to the plot. The chemistry between Jack and Katherine Plumber (Makenna Ashby) is palpable and I always love a strong, stubborn female lead character. 

The villains in Newsies shine brightly. Despite their few lines, Morris (Ian Purser) and Oscar (Braeden Anderson) have this looming presence throughout the show, as you feel the fear the other characters hold for them. I am also impressed with Joseph Pulitzer (M. Chase Grant) and his embodiment of business and greed. These villains drive the story forward and, ultimately, have profound arcs that leave the audience softened. One standout performance is Medda Larkin (Daysha Lassiter) performing “That’s Rich” in her incredible, strong voice. And finally, perhaps one of my favorite parts, is the unexpected appearance of none other than Teddy Roosevelt (Darin Ashby) himself, tying the whole show together.

The Sundance sets (Milinda Weeks and Marguerite Morgan) are known for being both detailed and functional, and many stage changes happen seamlessly during performances. Costumes (Spencer Potter and Lydia Curtis) are functional and intricate, and the lighting (Marianne Ohran and Brian Saydyk) really set the tone for each scene. The show is fast paced and involves the audience, making it perfect for the entire family. 

After the show, I couldn’t believe it had taken me this long to hop on the Newsies train. I was charmed, I laughed, I teared up. I really resonated with the idea that even children can stand up for what they believe in, and that every voice has meaning. Overall, I loved the show, and I cannot wait to have these songs stuck in my head for the foreseeable future. If you haven’t seen Newsies at Sundance, make your plans now. It’s a great story and amazing production. 

Sundance Mountain Resort presents Disney’s Newsies
Sundance Mountain Resort, 8841 N. Alpine Loop Road, Sundance, UT 84604
July 18-20, 22, 25-27, 29, August 1-3, 5-6, 8-10, 2024 8 PM
Tickets: $32-54
Contact: 801-225-4107
Sundance Mountain Resort Facebook Page 

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