Front Row Reviewers

The Grand’s Forever Plaid is Forever Grand

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


By Dallon Thorup

Forever Plaid takes us on a time travel journey back to this sweeter, simpler life. These four guys are true believers: in music, in dreams, and in being a “Plaid.” Their world is filled with iconic images: Perry Como, after school jobs, Ed Sullivan, Latin rhythms, high school dances, and sing-alongs. They always strive to do their best because they think that’s how the rest of the world functions, too. And they also see the glass half full…of chocolate milk.”

Director Jim Christian says in his Director’s notes:
The thing I love about theatre is that it is a gamble. Whether you are seeing a show on a Broadway stage, Community stage, Semi-professional stage, or at a High School you never know what you are in for. Is this going to be good? Is this going to drag? Will I love it? Will I hate it? These thoughts always go through my head before I see a show.
Forever Plaid is a simple show to explain. THE PLAIDS have been given a shot to perform their show that they died heading to many years ago. You, as the audience member, are lucky enough to be the crowd they finally have the privilege of seeing their show they never go to perform.

The Grand Theatre in Salt Lake City at the Salt Lake Community College off of State Street and 1700 South was home to this amazing concert that I saw last night. Backstage at The Grand is what they called it. You, the audience, get to walk backstage as you enter the theatre and you sit in bleacher style seating (however they were extremely comfortable movie theatre style chairs) on the stage. You see everything onstage and offstage and it is truly a fun experience. The backdrop on the stage was beautiful and before the show even had begun, my roommate and I were feeling the energy of what was about to happen.

Let me introduce you to “The Plaids”
Sparky, portrayed by Jonathan Baker, was what I would call the lovable Plaid. He had a presence about him that was charming to watch and fun for the group to feed off of. His ability to show his joy singing the songs really drew me in as an audience member and made me believe that I was watching Sparky from The Plaids and not an actor on stage.
Jinx, portrayed by Nick Morris, had comedic timing that I found to be refreshingly genius and a voice that made me melt like butter. Particularly during “Cry” (one of the best numbers in the show) I was absolutely blown away by Jinx’s voice. Once again, I didn’t feel as if I was watching an actor.

Smudge, portrayed by B.J. Whimpley, had that bass voice that women swoon over. “Sixeen Tons/Chain Gang” not only gave me goosebumps like I’ve never had before, but those harmonies were to die for. Smudge finished that particular number with a booming amount of force, both in volume and precision and for that I could not have been happier.

Last but not least Frankie, portrayed by Mark Daniels, stole the show for me in one instant that actually brought a couple tears to my eye. In a show that is more of an amazing concert put on by this wonderful group of men, I did not expect to be blown away by a speech. I first must mention that Frankie is what I would call the poster child for The Plaids. If I would have been around in the 60’s and they were big, I’d expect to see Frankie’s face everywhere. He had something golden about him onstage throughout the entire performance that did not falter once in the show. His voice was spot on. His ability to bring camaraderie was astounding, and it really benefited everyone.
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The production team, everyone on it, needs a huge round of applause because I personally have not ever been so thoroughly entertained for a solid 90 minutes. Not once did I lose focus, not once did I wonder what time it was, not once did I wish that something was done differently, and quite frankly, I believe the audience may have felt the same way. My roommate and I couldn’t stop dancing in our seats and feeling the fun of the performance. Being able to feed off of the energy of the people on the stage was such a refreshing feeling, and I know it’s one that I truly love. So thank you Plaids for providing that energy.

All in all, I was truly sad when this show ended and we exited the theatre. I heard a few people say, “We need to see this again,” also “I wish it kept going.” My roommate even said, “I need to bring my girlfriend to see this. Luckily I have two more weeks.” I even said, “I need to take my family to this.” There is a buzz with this show, and it is all positive from what I’ve heard so far. Let this review be my second standing ovation for you, gentleman. You haven taken one of my all-time favorite shows and let me see it in a way I’ve never seen before. I didn’t see a show, I saw a concert put on by The Plaids and I’m honored they were brought back for one more night with us.

If you have the opportunity to see this show, don’t hesitate. It can not be missed.

The Grand Theatre
1575 South State St. Salt Lake City, UT 84115

Show runs September 11-27th @ 7:30 PM
Matinee shows on Sept. 13, 20, and 27 @ 2:00 PM

Tickets $14-$20
Purchase tickets online at, at the door, or call the box office at 801-957-3322

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

1 Comment

  1. Linda Macbeth

    DITTO to the whole article. And yes, I am going to see it again.


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