Front Row Reviewers

Jul 15, 2024 | Reviews

Interview with Yoram Bauman for “Seize the Initiative!” at the Great Salt Lake Fringe Festival

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers (FRR): Hey Yoram, welcome! I’ve got to start by asking, how did you come up with such a unique and intriguing plot for Seize the Initiative!? It sounds like a wild ride!

Yoram Bauman (YB): Thanks! You know how some men are only after one thing? Well, what if Saul’s one thing is gathering signatures for a carbon tax ballot measure?! Directed by the audience-choice-award winner Josh Patterson and written and produced by me, this rom-com has it all: love, laughs, and a campaign sandwich board. Plus, sandwiches play a big role in the play, literally and metaphorically.

FRR: Sandwiches, you say? That’s deliciously intriguing. If you had to describe the process of putting this show together in just one word, what would it be?

Yoram Bauman: Sandwiches. They’re everywhere in the play! From Saul meeting Grace while wearing a campaign sandwich board to the sandwich-themed poster, and even keeping the cast fueled during rehearsals. The whole production is like making a sandwich – a smush of scripts, actors, and directing, resulting in a tasty show!

FRR: Now I’m hungry! What’s the most interesting or funny thing you’ve learned while working on this production?

Yoram Bauman: Definitely the theater lingo! When the director says, “Take five,” everyone responds, “Thank you five!” I’m new to the theater world, so it’s all been a fascinating learning experience.

FRR: Speaking of the theater world, what do you do right before and right after each performance?

Yoram Bauman: Since this is my first play, I’m still figuring that out. But from my stand-up comedy experience, I always make sure to hit the bathroom before the show (and check my mic and zipper!). After shows, I sign books and chat with folks – and then it’s back to the sandwiches!

FRR: Got to love those sandwiches! Do you have a favorite inside joke or quirky detail from the show?

Yoram Bauman: Our soundtrack includes some fantastic sandwich songs like “Classic Hoagie” by Stretch Armstrong and “Wawa Hoagies” by Aaron Out. Plus, there’s an incredible wedding-ring holder designed by my father-in-law. And my kids are basically honorary understudies for one of the characters, going around saying, “Children… children are like beer. One or two and you’re good; five or six, you go crazy.”

FRR: That’s both adorable and hilarious. What’s the backstory on the sandwich songs?

Yoram Bauman: One of the songs, “Wawa Hoagies,” was written by Aaron Out and produced by his friend Cas, who tragically passed away in a car accident. Using the song in our play feels like a beautiful tribute to his legacy. It captures the fun, goofy vibe we aim for in the show.

FRR: That’s touching. You’ve worn many hats in your career. How did you transition from stand-up economist to playwright?

Yoram Bauman: It started with our carbon tax campaign, Clean The Darn Air. We needed to make a volunteer training video, but I wanted to make it engaging. So I thought of all the funny stories from my campaign experiences, and that evolved into the play’s outline.

FRR: How long did it take to bring this play to life?

Yoram Bauman: About a year. I started with the plot and first scene last spring with some campaign compatriots. Then, I took a summer playwriting class at SLCC’s Community Writing Center, where I met our director, Josh Patterson, and production manager, Tara Hogan.

FRR: What do you hope the audience takes away from “Seize the Initiative!”?

Yoram Bauman: I hope they gain a deeper appreciation for democracy, signature-gathering, and the theater. These things are tough but incredibly rewarding. And maybe, just maybe, they’ll be inspired to volunteer with Clean The Darn Air!

FRR: What’s next for you after this?

Yoram Bauman: I’m hoping this play can travel or even become a movie! I also need to revive my comedy business post-COVID and continue our clean-air campaign. Plus, I’d love to work on a third edition of my cartoon book on climate change.

FRR: Busy times ahead! Is there anything else you’d like to share about the project?

Yoram Bauman: We’re doing a ticket giveaway on social media @SeizeSLC. Just guess which character is obsessed with getting free Slurpees at 7-11 for a chance to win two free tickets for opening night on July 26 at Trolley Square!

FRR: That sounds fun! Thanks for the chat, Yoram. Can’t wait to see “Seize the Initiative!” at the Great Salt Lake Fringe Festival.

Yoram Bauman: Thanks for having me!

Seize the Initiative! FB reel

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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