Front Row Reviewers

Jul 10, 2024 | Reviews

Interview with Kathy Curtiss about her upcoming “Taming of the Shrew”

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers (FRR): Hello Kathy! Thank you for joining us today to chat about Taming of the Shrew at the Castle Amphitheatre in Provo. Let’s dive right in! If you had to summarize the plot of this production in the craziest or most creative way possible, how would you do it?
Kathy Curtiss: Taming of the Shrew features an updated setting in a trendy Italian resort, with classic comic characters on their individual quest to find their fortune, but instead find their hearts, and realize what love means–including the labor of love in becoming of one heart and mind.

FRR: That sounds like a fun twist! Now, if you had to describe the process of putting on this show with just one word, what would it be and why?
Kathy: Creative.

FRR: I can imagine! What’s the most interesting, funny, or wonderful thing you’ve learned while working on this production?
Kathy: Updating what love means in our time, and with its irony and new takes have led to hysterical moments of discovery.

FRR: Sounds like you’ve had some great moments. What do you do right before each performance to get ready? And what about right after each performance?
Kathy: Before–Strong vocal and physical (combat) warm-ups. After–we party!!

FRR: That sounds like a blast! Do you have a favorite inside joke from the show? Maybe a quote, a line, a costume, or a set piece?
Kathy: Our fumbling pronunciation with Italian words and accents. And of course Petruchio’s quip on tongues and tails.

FRR: Classic! Now, what is the mission of your theater or production company?
Kathy: To illumine classics through the contemporary lens.

FRR: That’s a wonderful mission. How and when did opening the theater come about?
Kathy: 1989, with the first two productions with Barta Heiner at the Castle.

FRR: Quite the legacy! What are the challenges and joys of running a theater or production company?
Kathy: I can’t do summer without putting up a Shakespeare production!

FRR: What message are you hoping to bring to your patrons about the arts?
Kathy: That they can get all the text, jokes, and thematic relevance to our time from the classics.

FRR: That’s fantastic. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about this project?
Kathy: Very clear Shakespeare, and great performances of comic characters.

FRR: Who are the leads in your production of Taming of the Shrew?
KC: Kate is played by Sonja Hugo, and Petruchio is played by Houston Baker.

FRR: Thank you so much, Kathy! Break a leg to all involved!

Renaissance Now presents Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare.
Castle Amphitheatre, 1300 East Center Street, Provo, UT 84601 (Drive up Center St, and when you get to the end of the road, turn left and park. Then walk up the hill to the theater.
July 12-13, 15, 18-20, 2024 House opens 7:30 PM. Show at 8:00 PM.
Bring chairs or a blanket or cushion to sit on, and wear sunscreen. You’re welcome to bring drinks and even dinner if you like.
Tickets: $15
Renaissance Theatre & Film Facebook Page

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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