Front Row Reviewers

The last days of JUDAS ISCARIOT— Bravo!

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


Reviewed by Michael Nielsen

Full disclosure …I was asked to jump in as Costume Designer for this show when they lost their original designer, so while I am quite proud of the costumes and feel they added to the characterizations, I will not be giving them any more time in this review.  That said, I also had no time to actually see any rehearsals, so my seeing the show last night was my first exposure to this thought-provoking production and it didn’t disappoint!

THE LAST DAYS OF JUDAS ISCARIOT takes place entirely in a place called “HOPE”, in “downtown purgatory”.  As the Angel (wings and all) GLORIA (Natalie Keezer) explains, HOPE changes with the times, and is currently reminiscent of a New York Subway Station. Set Designer/Director Lucas Bybee created this station with worn tiles, makeshift furniture and walls covered with graffiti and posted notices.  The station serves as an ad-hoc courtroom with a judge’s bench of crates and lawyer stations of boxes, garbage cans and discarded chairs.  The audience sits on both sides of the station and are made to feel as part of the “jury.”

The whole concept of the show seems simple–a go-getter defense lawyer, CUNNINGHAM (Ana Lemke) has a writ signed by God to have the case of Judas Iscariot reviewed in hopes of his being moved from Hell to Heaven. ISCARIOT himself (Nick Diaz) is unable to defend himself since he is in a “catatonic state.”

This becomes more complicated and thought-provoking as Defense and Prosecutor, EL-FAYOUMY (Eric Leckman) call in their witnesses: Judas’ mother, HENRIETTA (Tiffany Greathouse), PONTIUS PILATE (Chris Harvey), MOTHER TERESA (Natalie Keezer again), CAIPHAS THE ELDER (Mark Macey who also plays ST. MATTHEW), Simon the Zealot (Sam McGinness when he isn’t THE BAILIFF), SIGMUND FREUD/St. THOMAS (Daniel Romero) and of course, SATAN (Cooper Howell).  With flashbacks of JESUS (Brandon Pearson), St. MONICA (Paris Hawkins), St. PETER/MATHIAS of GALILEE (Jenna Hawkins) and MARY  MAGDELENE/SISTER GLENNA (Elizabeth Steiner.) Our co-jury members are LORETTA (Elizabeth Steiner) and BUTCH HONEYWELL (Jared Greathouse).

As we hear the stories of what really happened, and character witnesses for Judas, the very talented cast played each character with intensity and humor. Those playing more than one role making each totally different, with obvious research about the “familiar” characters.  While there were no weak performances, special mention must be made of SATAN (Howell), with his slimy yet convincing speech patterns and body language that made us love and hate him. Prosecutor EL-FAYOUMY (Leckman) kept us engaged with his energy and constantly new ways of complimenting and flirting with judge and witnesses.  St. MONICA (Hawkins) was brassy and foul-mouthed in a way that only endeared us to her.  JESUS (Pearson) and JUDAS (Diaz) gave us sensitivity and hurt without milking for emotion, making it difficult to care for one more than the other.

Direction (Luke Bybee) was simple yet strong, ignoring the impulse to have the actors constantly moving, but letting them stand strong and make their points.  Sound design by George Plautz was minimal, but effective. (Ever wonder what dancing camels sound like?)  My only technical misgiving was the lighting by Danny Dunn. While I realize this venue doesn’t allow a lot of lighting effects, the characters on the main floor were quite shadowed while those at either end (judges bench and “flashback stage”) were fully lit.  However, the lighting set the mood beautifully for each scene. Costumes by Al Miller were effective and added to the production.

While the language is quite strong, and some might find some of the arguments and speeches a bit blasphemous, this production makes us realize there are two sides to every story, and maybe things and people aren’t always what they are made out to be. I am still finding myself thinking about some of the arguments well after the show has ended.
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Rose Wagner Studio Theatre
138 West Broadway (300 South)
Salt Lake City, UT

Performances will run:
May 1 – 17 (with matinees on 10th & 17th)
8:00pm curtain (2:00pm matinee)




Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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