Front Row Reviewers

Jun 20, 2023 | Events, Family Friendly, Reviews

A Grand Time at the Utah Scottish Festival and Highland Games

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Rae Hunt

I was excited to attend the Utah Scottish Festival and Highland Games at the Utah State Fairgrounds in Salt Lake City. Coming from a heavy Scottish background, it was really great to be able to connect with my family background, find my clan booth, and learn more about my clan’s colorful history. However, even if you aren’t of Celtic descent, this festival is delightful for everyone. There’s so much to do and activities for all ages.

There was a wide variety of booths. I particularly enjoyed visiting the clan booths. This is where you can learn about various clans, the conflicts or alliances they had, the castles and lands they possessed, and more. A few even had photo booth opportunities to dress up and pose with backgrounds. Other booths include food vendors, Celtic merchandise, and even a birds of prey booth with live falcons and owls, which I particularly enjoyed.

Another thrilling addition to the Utah Scottish Festival and Highland Games were the athletic competitions. From the Caber Toss to Stone Throwing, these feats of strength are mind blowing to watch. Highland Dancing is always a crowd favorite. From novice dancers up to experienced dancers, competitions to performing for the crowds, it’s a delight to watch these young boys and girls kick up their heels to the music.

Other fun activities we enjoyed were watching the live music. Listening to The Wicked Tinkers, Dame of Drones, The Fiddle Preacher (Bronwyn Beecher), Men of Worth and more is a true Scottish experience. It’s fantastic to watch the bag-piping band march and perform. There are also games for children and even story telling by Mary Queen of Scots herself.

So whether you are looking to connect to your heritage, experience a new culture, or are just there to have fun, the Utah Scottish Festival and Highland Games is the place to be. Follow  Utah Scottish Association to make sure you attend next year’s event.

A review by Front Row Reviewers
Utah Scottish Association presented The Utah Scottish Festival and Highland Games
Utah State Fairpark & Event Center, 155 North 1000 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Wicked Tinkers site, Wicked Tinkers Facebook Page
Dame of Drones Facebook Page
The Fiddle Preacher Facebook Page
Men of Worth site, Men of Worth Facebook Page

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


  1. Adam C.

    The Clan Campbell tent totally delivered this year with the Kilt booth. The kids lived it! See you all soon at the Payson games ⚔️

    • Front Row Reviewers

      We hope to be there to enjoy–and review–the festivities!


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