Front Row Reviewers

Sep 29, 2021 | Musical, Reviews, Theater Reviews, Utah

Logan, Utah was Delight Abuzz With at The Sound of Music

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Shanna Spuhler

The historic Ellen Eccles Theatre in Logan, Utah was sold out Saturday night for the production of The Sound of Music, presented by Music Theatre West. The beautiful layout of the theater helped pull the audience into the well-loved classic Rodgers and Hammerstein play. The Sound of Music was written by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II and based on the memoir of Maria von Trapp, The Story of the Von Trapp Family Singers.

The story takes place in Salzburg, Austria in 1938 at the start of World War II. It opens in Nonnberg Abbey with the nuns searching for one of their postulants, Maria Rainer (Jamie Younker). Maria is seen singing “The Sound of Music” in the hills near the abbey. The next morning, Mother Abbess (Susan Haderlie) and other nuns (Jessica Mohammed, Meredith Ashcraft, Lindsey Kelstrom) discuss Maria’s future in the abbey with the song “Maria”. Maria (Younker) is summoned to meet with Mother Abbess and is given an assignment to be the governess for the seven children of Captain Von Trapp (Trenton Bateman).

Upon entering the home, Maria is introduced to the strict Captain and his children: Leisl (Elena Shill), Friedrich (Spencer Needham), Louisa (Alivia Oldham), Kurt (Pearson Needham), Brigitta (Charity Tait), Marta (Ella Tait), and Gretl (Brooklyn Peterson). After Captain Von Trapp leaves Maria with the children she teaches them the basics of singing with a simple tune known as “Do-Re-Me”.

Shortly after returning from a trip to Vienna, Captain Von Trapp hosts a dinner party to introduce his neighbors to his soon-to-be fiancé, Baroness Elsa Schräder (Megan Nelson) and Schräder’s friend Max Detwieler (Jared Rounds). During the party, Maria leaves the home to return to the abbey after realizing her feelings for the captain. She is encouraged to return by Mother Abbess. She returns to learn that the engagement between the captain and the baroness has been called off. Maria and Captain Von Trapp express their love for each other and are married.

The couple returns from their honeymoon to find that Max has entered the children into a singing competition, which the captain refuses to allow. His mind is changed after receiving a request to join the German (Nazi) Naval forces. The couple uses the concert as an excuse to delay his need to join the forces and eventually escape from Austria.

Bateman successfully portrayed Captain Von Trapp with his wonderful ability of expression, showing both the captain’s stern side and sensitive sides. Younker added humor and charm to Maria, while also giving the classic feel that one comes to expect with the character. The children were all completely delightful and boldly talented.

A few of the other standouts were the stunning vocals of Haderlie during “Climb Every Mountain”. Rounds brought out a delightfully quirky portrayal of Max Detweilier. The choreography during “Sixteen Going on Seventeen” was very enchanting and shows the remarkable talent of the individuals involved in this production.

The entire production was accompanied by a live orchestra (directed by Jay Richards). Richards also directed the production with the assistance of his daughter-in-law, Melinda Richards. The music was skillfully directed by Melissa Hamilton. Music Theatre West truly brought to life a timeless classic.

Music Theatre West presents Rodgers and Hammerstein’s The Sound of Music. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein. Book by Howard Lindsay and Russell Crouse based on The Von Trapp Family Singers by Maria Augusta Trapp.
September 17-257:30 PM, September 25, 2021  1:30 PM
Ellen Eccles Theatre, 43 South Main Street, Logan, UT 84321
Tickets: $15-$25 ($3 discount students K-university)
Ticket website
Contact: 443-536-8670
Music Theatre West Facebook Page

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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