Front Row Reviewers

Aug 13, 2021 | Reviews

Lighting Up to the Stars with A Room Full of Glass at the Canyon Glen Amphitheater, Provo Canyon, Utah

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Eliza Een

A Room Full of Glass is a brand-new musical written and directed by Elizabeth “Beth” Moulton and composed by Hanna Schneck, who are delighted to bring their story to life in the natural setting of Canyon Glen Amphitheater in Provo canyon, Utah. Moulton and Schneck, Provo natives and best friends, responded to the COVID-19 pandemic with creativity when they began writing A Room Full of Glass in November of 2020 as a one-act play. Over time, it developed into the full musical you can watch this weekend.

As a friend of members of the cast, I have been looking forward to seeing their hard work and dedication brought to life on stage, and the performance did not disappoint. The show celebrates adventures found out of doors—a theme that matches the venue, where stars on and offstage can shine together.

The musical begins with the Reader (Holly Hill) introducing her favorite fairytale and the transporting magic of storytelling. The story that follows focuses on the adventures of lead characters Estelle (Hanna Schneck) and Prince William (Spencer MacDonald) as they leave their family and kingdom behind to seek adventure, with the narrator interjecting to guide the audience’s attention while immersing herself in the action. Along the way, the ensemble portrays a variety of obstacles to the young couple’s adventures, from demon and dragon to disappointed parents, rude party guests, and pitiful pirates (including the fierce Pirate Captain, Britlin Alius).

The first song that grabbed my attention as a favorite was “How the Snow Falls,” sung by leads Schneck and MacDonaldas their relationship and understanding of one another begins to develop within the story. The whimsy and freedom of Estelle’s world view makes this song a delight, and Schneck convinces the audience and Prince William to not be boring in the way they view the world.

It’s not often that I get to say that something brought me to the depths of hell and mean it as a compliment. As Estelle and Prince William venture into the dark and fiery pit, we see their unique forms of bravery lead them through. Estelle charms the demon of the pit (and the audience) with another transporting tune, “Wild as the Sea,” and the Reader and Aunt Catherine (Anna Pomares) chime in with support and advice. Back in the fairytale world of the living, Estelle and Prince William find themselves in a different kind of darkness as the ensemble surrounds the couple dressed as fireflies and all dance to “Where Magic’s Found.”

Here, I have to give a shout out to the tech crew (Jade Booth, Andrew Price, Madison Tredway, Cody —, Bella —) that set up lights, sound, and props on the stage and around the audience to immerse us in the story. They beautifully matched the timing of the show with the darkening sky so that the light of fireflies could guide our adventurers to their next steps. Working outdoors can present unique challenges and opportunities, but the crew handled it well and the audience remained immersed in the tale. The props, set pieces, and costumes are creative and effective, adding color and interest to the story. Some live music lends whimsy to the fairytale world.

Family is a major theme of the show, emphasized onstage through the characters and the sets of siblings (Elizabeth Moulton and Katherine Moulton, Seven Harrison and Goldie Harrison) that play them and extending offstage to the support of their families in providing practice spaces, building sets, and making props. There’s something uniquely beautiful about independent productions because it is evident that each person involved loves and believes in the show. Each member of the ensemble had a moment to shine in their character roles, and they worked together seamlessly to support the leads in their scenes.

A Room Full of Glass is a delight for families with older children and anyone who loves storytelling and the musical arts. Watching this show reminded me of all the light and hope we see in the world, and what courage can feel and look like: “Dream that you can light the stars and make your dream come true, find where you are meant to go and love will follow you.” Follow your path to adventure and come and see A Room Full of Glass!

Elizabeth Moulton presents A Room Full of Glass. Book and Lyrics by Elizabeth Moulton and Music by Hanna Schneck
Canyon Glen Park Amphitheater, 501 E Provo Canyon Rd Provo, UT, 84604
Aug 13–14, 2021, 7:30 PM
Tickets: Free. Donations are welcome.
A Room Full of Glass Instagram Account

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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