Front Row Reviewers

Mar 28, 2021 | Reviews

In Ogden, Baskerville, A Sherlock Holmes Mystery at the Ziegfeld Theater Creates Thrilling and Hysterical Adventure

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Madison Moretti

At Ogden‘s Ziegfeld Theater, Baskerville, A Sherlock Holmes Mystery is causing an uproar of humor and mystery.  The show by Ken Ludwig, is based on the 1902 novel The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and features a cast of five actors who portray over forty separate roles throughout the story.  The play’s original production premiered in January, 2015, at the Arena Stage in southwest Washington, D. C. 

This play is a humorous take on a classic mystery, filled charm and surprise at every turn as we follow the famous duo of Sherlock Holmes (Michael Reis) and Dr. John Watson (Josh Curtis) as they investigate an intriguing murder on the moors of Baskerville..

This show will immediately capture any audience’s attention with director Eb Madson’s bold directing choices. Madson does not pull any punches with his comedic styling, and it pays off with every single joke, from simple gags to callbacks to Mel BrooksYoung Frankenstein. The dynamic pacing of this show makes every moment enjoyable and engaging. Although the set itself is rather minimalistic, the use of projections, creative lighting, and exploration of the space by the actors makes the experience altogether immersive.

Of course, the set design and directional innovations only work as seamlessly as they do because of the actors who have been cast in this unique show. Not only do Reis and Curtis drive the plot forward brilliantly, but the other roles, known as Actor 1 (Caleb Parry), Actor 2 (Colton Ward), and Actor 3 (Natalie Peterson) are what truly sell the comedy of Baskerville. These three actors are given the weight of playing every supporting and ensemble role imaginable, and manage to bring distinct and lively personalities to every character they take on, regardless of the size or importance of the character.  Ward, Parry, and Peterson are so remarkably flexible in their portrayals that it is easy to forget that we are only watching the same three actors. It must be said that the comedic and physical acting of all five actors could bring even the most dull of scripts to life.

In the role of Sherlock Holmes, Reis brings a charmingly sharp and carefully calculated edge to the famous detective that somehow blends the character seamlessly into a chaotic and hilarious aesthetic that audiences don’t tend to associate with Holmes. The pair are truly a perfect casting for Baskerville.

There is much to admire in the technical aspects of the show.  In particular, audiences will enjoy Alek Burden’s lighting design and Kiera Stay’s projection design, and Becky Knowles’ sound design, which create unique spaces for a large variety of scenes and atmospheres. Of special note was the impressive range of costuming designed by for the dozens of characters throughout the show; the fact that Timothy Reis was able to articulately costume characters who made extremely brief appearance is nothing short of astounding.

This production of Baskerville, a Sherlock Holmes Mystery is a comedic triumph that all fans of Sherlock Holmes will enjoy. This show retells the classic mystery with more than enough twists, turns, and laughs to keep any audience on the edge of their seat. Hurry to grab your tickets now, as this show is only running until April 10th.

The Ziegfeld Theater Presents Baskerville, a Sherlock Holmes Mystery.  Written by Ken Ludwig, based on the novel The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
The Ziegfeld Theater
3934 S. Washington Blvd, Ogden UT 84403
Mar 26–Apr 10, 7:30 PM. Apr 10, 2:00 PM.
Tickets: $15–$19
Contact: 855-944-2787
Zigfeld Theater Facebook Page

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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