Front Row Reviewers

Oct 26, 2020 | Theater Reviews, Utah

The Night Witches Take Flight with Passion and Technical Precision at the University of Utah Department of Theater

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Ben Watson

 The Night Witches, written by award-winning playwright Rachel Bublitz, a streaming digital work presented by The University of Utah Department of Theater, tells the legendary and true tale of the all-female 588th Night Bomber Regiment of the Soviet Air Force during the height of World War II. Part of a large movement of Soviet women joining the war effort against the invading German Army, the “Night Witches” as they came to be known, were pilots, navigators, engineers, and commanders who were tasked with harassing the enemy and robbing them of sleep. Outfitted with little more than plywood and canvas and bolts, the women flew near-suicide missions in the dark, dropping bombs that did little more than prevent sleep. But the larger effect was to solidify the women as a unit and the war effort in general, and to prove that women were equal to men in defense of their homeland. Bublitz crafts a tight, yet tender script that emphasizes the differences between women and men preparing for battle but retains the universality of camaraderie and compassion. It is a story that invites deeper investigation into the individual stories collected into this work.  

This production of The Night Witches lights up the sky with its performances and its technical brilliance. As a live-streamed work directed by Alexandra Harbold and produced by Sydney Cheek-O’Donnell, the screen becomes stage, and the viewer is immersed in the sparse but effective visuals. Harbold, Lighting Designer Rachael Harned, Scenic Designer Ariana Hatch, Costume Designer Mae Hinton-Godfrey, and Sound Designer/Composer Katelyn Limber transform black curtains, suggestive props, and spot-on music into the context necessary for the cast to play out the story. Utilizing the now-ubiquitous multi-camera grid to great effect, the players transcend the limitations of webcam and isolation. Also involved in this fine production is: Gavin Yehle (Media Designer), Abish Noble (Co-Set Designer), and Arika Schockmel (Props Designer).

There is not a single lackluster performance among these skilled actors, and they prove that it is not set, scene, or prop that lies at the heart of passionate theater. Rather, Victoria Arlofski, McKinley Barr, Lina Boyer, Katie Calderone, Grace Cawley, Jessica Graham, Talia Heiss, Taryn McClure, Ella Murphy, Samantha Nakken, Lauren Neser, Alexis Pullen, Shelice Warr, Kiera Stogin,and Francesca Hsieh (who also serves as Dramaturg) come together to interact and perfect the streamed space. I was thoroughly engaged and enthralled for each of the 90 minutes of the run. As the credits rolled, I felt closer to these characters as a whole and individually, and was left wanting to learn more of their story. The craft of this performance gives me hope for live theater in this uncertain time, and a desire to experience more of this very talented company. In all, a technically and emotionally successful example of captivating theater.

Audiences will have opportunity to view The Night Witches Oct 29-30, Nov 1, 2020 at 7:30 PM, Oct 31, Nov 1 at 2:00 PM MT. The show streams on The University of Utah Theater Department website via a Zoom link provided on ticket purchase. The Night Witches has a variety of ticket options available, including free tickets for high school students. You will be haunted by how good this production really is.

The University Of Utah Department Of Theater presents The Night Witches by Rachel Bublitz, directed by Alexandra Harbold.
Oct 23, 24, 29, 30, Nov 1, 2020 7:30 PM, Matinees Oct 25, 31, Nov 1, 2020 2:00 PM
Tickets: Various Prices
U of U The Night Witches Info
The Night Witches Facebook Event
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