Front Row Reviewers

An Other Way to View Theater: Odd Shaped Balls Now Streaming from An Other Theater Company in Provo, UT

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Samantha Baird

In a time when so much is uncertain, one thing is still absolute: theater will always prevail, and An Other Theater Company in Provo, UT proves that with their first exclusively-streamed show, Odd Shaped Balls. This is a one-man show, which makes it the perfect choice for a distanced streaming performance. While all theaters are approaching streamed shows differently, An Other takes the route of a filmed, not live, stream, joining the new art form of filmed theater. As someone with anxiety that leaves me unable to stay focused sometimes, this new, accessible art form allowed me to pause and rewind as needed, sticking with An Other’s mission of creating accessible and inclusive theater.

Odd Shaped Balls is the story of rugby player James (Jim, Jimmy) Hall and his sexuality being outed on Twitter for the world to see. Colter Lee Brown blew me away with his performance. The show is made up of short vignettes of James talking to teammates, coach, family, friends, etc. Brown takes on many different accents (with dialect coaching from Ashley Wilkinson) to portray each character and although he switches between characters so quickly, he never loses the individuality of each one. At the beginning of the performance, it can be difficult to understand the accent, but viewers will very quickly become accustomed to it.

Spadafora is also the director of the production and his love of this show shines through each perfectly-blocked moment and the feeling of what is seen onstage. Because this is a filmed play, another person, not typically needed for theater, is included on this creative team. Tyler Fox provides beautiful cinematography, turning this play into a captured moment in time that, unlike most plays, will never be lost.

Odd Shaped Balls is a story that many will be able to relate with, no matter their interests, sexuality, stage of life, or other circumstances. It leads audiences to contemplate who among them has never had a secret outed in an unintended way and who has never had a heart broken or feelings deeply hurt in a very public way? It reminds audiences that, in this time of caution and anxiety, we must all remember to be kind to others above all else. We never know what people are working through. Don’t miss your chance to see Odd Shaped Balls, streaming this weekend only.

An Other Theater Company Presents Odd Shaped Balls by Richard D. Sheridan
An Other Theater Company Towne Centre, 1200 Towne Centre Blvd, Provo, UT 84601
April 10-12, 2020, See Website for Streaming Time Availability
Tickets: Pay Your Price
An Other Theater Company Facebook Page
Odd Shaped Balls Facebook Event

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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