Front Row Reviewers

Mar 10, 2020 | Reviews, Utah

UVU Delights Families with Sold Out Performance of B – Underwater Bubble Show in Orem, Utah

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Jennifer Andelin

Bubbles elicit fun, smiles, and laughter from all ages as was evident last night in Orem from UVU‘s Noorda Center for the Performing Arts‘ sold out production of  B – Underwater Bubble Show. Inspired by Cirque du Soleil, this Latvian-based company won the Merlin Award for Best Family Show of 2018. The show is loosely based on the story of a mime named Mr. B (Peteris Rimss) who escapes the stress of living in a heavily digitized world to Bubblelandia: a fantastical underwater realm of bubbles, puppets, mimes, sand art, and more. Rimss’ expressive movements clearly and cleverly help the audience know what is happening despite there being no dialogue.

From the beginning, the audience is immersed in a non-verbal production that offers tactile entertainment. This is spotlighted by the titular performers of the show: bubble artists Enrico Pezzoli and Dace Pecoli. Pezzoli and Pecoli’s command of blowing, creating, transforming, and performing with bubbles is a whimsical marriage of art and science. They interact with the bubbles and each other playfully and competitively, creating a fun partnership. Pezzoli and Pecoli play multiple roles in the show. Pezzoli also directs the production while Pecoli wows the audience with her sand art. Projected on a screen for the audience, she uses sand on a backlit table to create pictures depicting the show’s overall theme and story. Watching the process of sand becoming art with depth and meaning keeps the audience mesmerized.

In line with Cirque du Soleil, Ekaterina Malysheva and Alina Kesane offer acrobatic entertainment as well as creatively fun dances thanks to choreographer Edite Abeltina Dance Studio “Buras” that has the audience laughing and clapping throughout the performance. Perhaps the most unbelievable act of the evening comes in the form of a purple lizard played by contortionist Valerijs Komisarenko. There are audible gasps from the audience with every new twist and contortion of his body. By the end of his performance, Komisarenko amazingly fits his entire body into a small, clear box which results in the loudest applause of the evening.

The performers enjoy interacting with the audience, often coming into the aisles and sitting by or giving high fives. Bubbles, fabric, and gigantic balls are offered to the audience to pop, touch, and pass. These interactions energize the audience, driving home the therapeutic nature of play and connection. 

Because the production is non-verbal, the show relies heavily on music, special effects, and more. Video Operator Silvestrs Silis utilizes graphic designs by “Electric Cafe” Egmonts to offer unique backdrops. Silis also involves the audience as a backdrop to the show, using closeups on audience members and projecting them onscreen during the show. Audience members, like those at a sporting event, dance and make big movements, hoping to make it onto the jumbo screen.

The show’s ambiance is further enhanced by lasers, fog machines, and other special effects thanks to Brinum-X Sia and lighting engineers Raimonds Leikums and Vilnis Valle. Audio and Video Engineer Gints Murans uses original music created especially for the show by Valdis Zilvers, a well-known Latvian composer.

Elita Patmalniece creates bright, bold, colorful costumes and make-up artist Marita Gaidele complements them by painting playful and vibrant designs on the performers’ faces that are reminiscent of Mardi Gras or a masquerade ball. Stage Designer “Bufatori” Sia goes big with everything from a shark to jellyfish, but keeps the majority of the stage free to give the performers room to create broadly. Stage Character Zigurds Ržišcevs changes scenes by bringing in and removing props and materials for each consecutive performer while wearing scuba gear. His scuba diver persona allows him to change scenes without the need to dim lights because he looks like he is part of the underwater performance.

B – Underwater Bubble Show is a colorful, modern fairy tale that spreads the message to enjoy life freely and imaginatively. While only in Utah County for one evening, it dazzles hundreds lucky enough to catch this uniquely tactile, family-friendly show. Don’t miss out on other fantastic offerings featured in UVU’s Noorda Series this year. They too like Bubblelandia can help us escape the stress of living in a digitized world.   

The Noorda Center for the Performing Arts at UVU presents B – Underwater Bubble Show
The Noorda Center for the Performing Arts, Smith Theater, 800 W University Pkwy, Orem, UT 84058
March 9, 2020 7:00 PM
Tickets: $10-44 SOLD OUT
Contact: 801-863-7529,
The Noorda Center for the Performing Arts at UVU Website
The Noorda Center for the Performing Arts at UVU Facebook Page
B – Underwater Bubble Show Website
B – Underwater Bubble Show Facebook Page

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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