Front Row Reviewers

Feb 28, 2020 | Dance Reviews, Reviews, Utah

Don’t Miss Odyssey Dance Theatre’s World Premier of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Vegas at Kingsbury Hall in Salt Lake City

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Stephanie Cousins

Odyssey Dance Theatre’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Vegas, at Kingsbury Hall in Salt Lake City is the epitome of dance entertainment. The full-length production of the oft-interpreted comedy by William Shakespeare follows Helena, Hermia, Lysander, and Demetrius on a quest for mercy, justice, and love. They become the playthings of Puck and his magician friends Titania and Oberon, and are eventually joined by the 702 Hip Hop Crew and their fearless antihero, Bottom. ODT leads you by the heartbeat down to the neon strip of Las Vegas in their innovative reimagining of one of the few works of Shakespeare that doesn’t end in death or dismemberment.

Before the first translated line of iambic pentameter, the audience is treated to the debut of a few bonus numbers. “Buen Camino,” choreographed by Veronica Cabling, reflects a journey pulsing through France and Spain. Colors reminiscent of the warm countryside become an effective storytelling prop. The rhythms and cadences created by motion are in turns predictable and unpredictable, leaving the viewer captivated and curious. “Odyssey,” choreographed by Christian Denice reflecting the story of the dance troupe itself, begins with a single dancer who is soon joined by the rest of the company appearing suddenly from the floor. Fluidity and movement propel the action through various stages and combinations resulting in a masterclass in beauty, style, and choreography. 

The artistic staff of ODT is unparalleled. To create a re-envisioned Shakespeare play for the dance stage, set in Las Vegas, is no small feat. D.  Yeager as artistic director and founder succeeds in yet again creating a story for the masses. Each number brings forth another evidence of the brilliance and creativity of him and his team. Cheryl Yeager understands what it means to tell a story in textile. She offers variety without chaos. She influences the emotions of the viewer with color and flow and allows her dancers freedom to express what moves them, in turn moving the audience. Costumes are enhanced by well-timed lighting and other technical details. Lighting a show in perpetual motion is a huge challenge and the colors and effects orchestrated by Kevin Baumann give attention and sensory emphasis to each moment onstage. Also acting as technical director and stage manager, it is clear that Odyssey Dance Theatre is lucky to have Baumann on their team.

Shakespeare’s hip characters flip, tap, and slip their way into every heart in this debut performance. New works are rare in this day of reruns, reboots, and repeats. This piece deserves all the attention we can give it. Odyssey Dance Theatre’s mission is “to make theatrical dance more accessible to a wide audience, by utilizing current social themes and music, as well as creating and re-creating classical and full-length works that are exciting to young and old alike.” A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Vegas scores a perfect ten in all categories. 

Odyssey Dance Theatre Presents: A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Vegas. Kingsbury Hall, 1395 E. Presidents Circle, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
February 27-29, 2020 07:30 PM, February 29, 2020 2:00 PM
Tickets: $20.00 to $40.00 (Children under 6 not permitted)
Contact: 801-581-7100
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Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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