Front Row Reviewers

Feb 8, 2020 | Reviews

Discover a Different Love Story Sealed With a Kiss at Timpanogos Valley Theatre’s Yellow in Heber City, Utah

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Holly Gould

Timpanogos Valley Theatre’s production of Yellow in Heber City, Utah brings us a different look at an untraditional love story this Valentine’s Day. This romantically interesting play about kisses by Brittany Bullen is directed by Emily Lawrence. The historic building that houses Timpanogos Valley Theatre was once the old social hall and invites the public to a unique theater going experience and is a great space for the black box style production.

Yellow tells about the imperfect love story of Harriet (Emma Lee Penrose) and Curtis Foster (Tim Munsell).  Through the reading of her late mother’s journal, Greta Weaver (Julie Doud) learns of long hidden family secrets as she discovers the ups and downs of life and love through memories of kisses both shared and longed for, while learning how to forgive and love in her own story with her husband Mark (Jake Promitas).

Penrose is the perfect leading lady, showing a wide emotional range throughout her performance.  She evolves from a spunky teenager to a strong young adult, and then grows to be both doting and fiercely protective as a mother.  She shows strength and great understanding of her husband as she shares her memories of the ups and downs in life and love with strong emotion.

Munsell is kind and sincere in his portrayal of Curtis.  His adorably awkward character is consistently charming through his own ages and stages in the show. The concerned father grows overprotective and becomes intensely emotional as his daughter grows up, giving the audience great clues to the struggles he faces in his own life.  He delivers one of the night’s best scenes as his emotionally powerful performance perfectly explains the love he has always felt for his dear sweetheart. 

Doud plays the emotionally vulnerable daughter, and her character also plays the role of narrator as she delves into the deeply personal memoirs. She too shows versatility as an actress while playing both a teen and an adult.  As a bystander to many scenes onstage, she is quietly introspective as she learns about surprising events in her own family history. Some of my personal favorite moments in the show came as I watched her non-verbal communication in reaction to the unfolding events.  Her emotional feedback is captivating. Her character grows and learns as she discovers her parent’s story.

When one of his own secrets are uncovered by the reading of the journal, Mark is put into a desperate situation.  We receive a sincere and caring performance by Promitas of a husband who is earnestly repentant as he seeks forgiveness about his own past.  His character is persistent in his quest as he puts his wife’s needs before his own while seeking to repair a relationship that has been damaged.

Simple lighting and sound (Jessica Wall, Tiana Stanley) help the cast be the storytellers of one family’s romantic tale. Costumes by Becky Thorpe are clean and natural, and definitely highlight the title of the play: Yellow.

Each of us has our own love story, but not all of them are ideal. Timpanogos Valley Theatre’s production of Yellow, while not a story of perfection, is about real love and connection that invites us all to embrace what is imperfectly perfect in our own relationships. There are several mature topics addressed in this production that are portrayed in such a way that would be appropriate for families but may not be suitable for young children. I would be comfortable with bringing tweens and up to enjoy the show, but it is worth the drive to Heber City to see this unique love story for Valentine’s day with your own sweetheart.

Timpanogos Valley Theatre Presents Yellow by Brittany Bullen.
Timpanogos Valley Theatre, 90 North 100 West, Heber City, UT 84032
February 7-8, 14-15 2020, 7:00 PM, Matinee February 15 2:00 PM with Q&A by the playwright immediately following.
Tickets – Adults: $10, Sr/Jr/Student: $7
Contact: 435-654-2125
Timpanogos Valley Theatre Facebook Page
Yellow Facebook Event

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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