Front Row Reviewers

Feb 5, 2020 | Reviews, Theater Reviews, Utah

The Three Little Pigs at SCERA Center for the Arts Will Huff and Puff and Blow You Away in Orem, Utah

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Samantha Baird

Known for its world premieres of (TYA) theatre for young audience shows, the SCERA Center for the Arts entertains audiences again with their new take on the classic tale The Three Little Pigs. This adaptation of The Three Little Pigs, book by Chase Ramsey and music by David Paul Smith, is a fun, upbeat story of preparedness, teamwork, and family. Bring that together with the smooth direction and choreography by DeLayne Bluth Dayton and it is a show that audiences of all ages will love.

Walking into the theatre, audiences would have to be blind to not fall immediately in love with the scenic design (Shawn M. Herrera) and artistry (Rachael Gibson) onstage. The musical begins with the Narrator (Tanner Perkins) who brings to stage no shortage of excitement and energy. Perkins keeps that energy in all six of the other parts (Patrick Pig/Thomas Toad/Straw, Stick, and Brick Salesman/Wolf) that he plays throughout the show. His ability to switch characters so quickly made him my favorite actor and characters of the performance. The audience next meets Mrs. Pig (Bethany Cole Saldaña) and Uncle Poofy (Pete Widtfeldt, who also plays Rufus). Saldaña and Widtfeldt play adult family members who care deeply about the well-being of the three little pigs. Saldaña has a loving motherly approach to her character, while Widtfeldt clearly plays the comedic uncle and looks to love every second of it,

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When the three little pigs graduate from high school, Mrs. Pig realizes that it is time for them not only to grow old but to grow up and she kicks them out of the house. In this adaptation, the three little pigs are given names, allowing for a much clearer distinction between them and more room for stronger personalities.  Brandi Washburn plays Chelsea, a fun-loving pig who doesn’t seem to think about the results of her actions and consequentially builds her house out of straw. Kevin Bigler plays Max, who wants to just have fun but realizes that he should grow up a little and as someone stuck in between, decides to build his house out of sticks. Last but certainly not least, Caitlin Schillemat plays Carli, a disciplined pig who always tries to do what is right and listen to her mother, resulting in a house built of bricks.

Schillemat shines with the first appearance of the song, “Do it Together” in the show, which everyone ends up singing at different parts of the show. “Do it Together,” repeated six times in the show highlights this adaptation’s emphasis on teamwork and family and was my favorite song of the performance. Another song that stood out to me was “Party Time.” While the message of the song is contrary to the theme (and occurs in the show before the pigs learn their lesson), “Party Time” is a fun upbeat song that gets kids moving in their seats. Audiences especially want to dance around with the amazing light and sound designs by Chase Elison.

If you have young kids, The Three Little Pigs at SCERA Center for the Arts is a can’t miss event, and even if you don’t have kids, you will have fun. Winter is freezing, snow can be miserable, so bundle the family up, and go out for a fun night in at SCERA Center for the Arts.

SCERA Center for the Arts Presents The Three Little Pigs, Book by Chase Ramsey, Music and Lyrics by David Paul Smith.
The SCERA Center for the Arts, 745 S State St, Orem, UT 84058
February 3-21, 2020, Mondays and Fridays, 7:00 PM
Tickets: $6 Adults, $4 Seniors/Children 3-11, All Seats Reserved
SCERA Center for the Arts Facebook Page
The Three Little Pigs Facebook Event

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

1 Comment

  1. Rachael

    Thank you for your detailed write-up and for mentioning so many of the people who put this show into play.


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