Front Row Reviewers

Feb 2, 2020 | Reviews

Desert Stages Theatre’s Production of Murder on the Nile in Scottsdale, Arizona Lets Audiences Indulge Their Inner Detective

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Jorgen Hansen

Desert Stages Theatre sets a picturesque scene for Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Nile, running until February 23 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Agatha Christie is a name synonymous with classic murder mysteries full of plot twists and quirky, over-the-top characters. This play is a theatrical adaptation of Christie’s novel, Death on the Nile, a tale of an unexpectedly bloody river cruise. Murder on the Nile differs in several significant ways from the book, providing a new experience for even the most devoted readers. Full of dramatic tension, interesting characters, and plot twists, Desert Stages Theatre puts on an admirable performance.

Set in Cairo, Egypt, the steamship Lotus is taking a load of vacationing passengers down the Nile, all of whom are eager to see the sights and sounds of that African country. The main story follows the young Kay Mostyn (Eliana Burns), the richest girl in England, and her husband, Simon (James Olsen), on their honeymoon. They are trying to escape the persecution of Simon’s previous fiancée, Jacqueline De Severac (Melissa Vo), who has jealously followed them from country to country. Despite their best efforts to hide their travel plans, Jacqueline boards the Lotus, determined to make the newlyweds miserable. Too soon, a brutal murder occurs and the devious conspiracy is brought to light.

Anne Sanford plays the role of the self-centered, overbearing Mrs. Helen ffoliot-ffoulkes (both f’s uncapitalized intentionally) quite well, matching well with Alexandra Palmatier, who perfectly appears as her subservient niece, Christina Grant.

Paul Anthony Hartwell gives a great portrayal as the brash, rebellious bachelor, Mr. Smith.

Wade Moran supports the cast well as Dr. Bessner, whose monologue was particularly enjoyable.

The newlyweds’ servant, Louise, is excellently portrayed by Alexandra Johnson, whose deft shifts from flirtation to disgust to intransigence entertained me greatly.

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Burns as the rich, headstrong Kay was an excellent choice, whose costumes were especially well-designed by Richard Courtney.

Olsen’s excellent portrayals of emotion are, at times, surprising. They wonderfully support the tangled plot.

From the moment Vo enters as the devious Jacqueline De Severac, she drives the plot forward. Watch for her excellent drunken scene, which I found quite enjoyable.

Jack Pauly as the Canon Ambrose Pennefather is arguably the most lovable character, and had the audience rooting for both his investigative work and redemptive efforts.

Maria Bain, Angel Berumen,and Achyut Dave all provide various supporting roles. As a whole, this cast most certainly works together to deliver a quality performance, thanks to director Mark-Alan C. Clemente.

The performance is supported by a great crew, as evidenced by the lighting (Stacey Walston) and the excellent costumes by Courtney and props provided by Ellie Steward.

Murder on the Nile is an intriguing murder mystery that will have the audience guessing and re-guessing “whodunit.” As a murder mystery, it is not appropriate for young children due to the theme. Various scenes also include mild swearing. For those of you who seek the thrill of the classic mysteries of Agatha Christie, Murder on the Nile at Desert Stages Theatre is an excellent way to indulge your inner detective.

Scottsdale Desert Stages Theatre Presents Murder on the Nile by Agatha Christie
Scottsdale Desert Stages Theatre at Fashion Square,7014 East Camelback Rd., Ste. 0586, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Jan 10–Feb 23, 2020, 7:30 PM. Sundays, at 2:00 PM
Tickets: $22-28
Contact: (480) 483-1664
Scottsdale Desert Stages Theatre Facebook Page
Murder on the Nile Facebook Event

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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