Front Row Reviewers

Jan 25, 2020 | Reviews, Theater Reviews, Utah

Layton’s On Pitch Performing Arts Production of The Drowsy Chaperone Will Make You Feel Everything But Drowsy

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Madison Moretti

On Pitch Performing Arts, located in Layton, brings to life an intimate yet joyful and charming production of The Drowsy Chaperone, written by Lisa Lambert, Greg Morrison, Bob Martin, and Don McKellar. This show is quite unique, as the audience joins Man In Chair (Brandon Stauffer) reminisces about theatre experiences he’s had and asks if he can share his favorite musical record. The story of The Drowsy Chaperone unfolds in his living room, and the audience is treated to hilarious running commentary and “fun facts” about the show.

Stauffer’s portrayal of Man is hysterically engaging for the audience as well as unbearably relatable. His animated storytelling is the cornerstone of this show, and he bears the burden with ease as the colorful tale unfolds around his armchair. The 20s-based show tells the story of a beautiful actress’s wedding (Rochelle Pickett) to a charming business man (Beau Barrett) where everything that could go wrong does go wrong. The titular character, played by Rachel Helwig, sings soaring ballads of not so great advice, gangsters (Jessica Adams and Niamh Helwig) disguised as bakers threaten a “Toledo Surprise” if the wedding isn’t stopped, and the poor butler (Curtis Waite) falls victim to too many spittakes.

Particularly noteworthy is the tap number “Cold Feets” performed by Barrett and the best man, played by Justin Beecher. The choreography, done by Dede Williams, is performed with so much fun and energy that it’s nearly impossible not to tap your own toes along with the actors. Also worthy of mention is the number “Toledo Surprise”. The physical comedy from the gangsters and the bubbly enthusiasm from Kitty (Sydney McAlister) are so fun to watch that you almost forget that Feldzieg (Darren Maxfield) his having his life threatened.

This production was expertly crafted under the direction of Charlene Adams and musical director Cariel Goodwin. Stauffer also acted as set designer, who made brilliant use of the intimate space. Emily Dickerson’s costuming expertise brought color and life to the show, while lighting and sound by Cole Elder and Colby Avis provides the cherry on top.

Layton’s On Pitch Performing Arts has created a fun and high energy experience for theater lovers of all ages. If you enjoy 20s music and obsessing over your favorite Original Broadway Cast albums, this is a show for you. The Drowsy Chaperone is playing now through February 15th.

Layton’s On Pitch Performing Arts Presents The Drowsy Chaperone by Lisa Lambert, Greg Morrison, Bob Martin, and Don McKellar.
On Pitch Performing Arts, 587 N Main Street, Layton, UT 84041
January 24-February 15, 2020, 7:30 PM, Saturday Matinee February 15 2:00 PM
Tickets: $12-15
Contact: 385-209-1557
On Pitch Performing Arts Website
On Pitch Performing Arts Facebook Page
The Drowsy Chaperone Facebook Event

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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