Front Row Reviewers

Dec 12, 2019 | Events, Reviews, Utah

Old-Fashioned Tales with Donald Davis in Don’t Kill Santa: An Evening of Storytelling with Donald Davis

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Dianne Freestone 

On December 9, 2019 the Provo Library, in conjunction with the Timpanogos Storytelling Institute, hosted a one-night-only event: Don’t Kill Santa: An Evening of Storytelling with Donald Davis. Donald Davis tells heartwarming and often funny stories about growing up in the Mountains of Appalachia and is a fan favorite, especially at the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival, where he is a yearly performer. His popularity was evident on Monday night, shown by the fact that the ticketed event, while free, was sold out.

Davis, wearing in his customary bowtie, was an engaging storyteller. His stories were good for any age group and employed real-life humor. I laughed and enjoyed a few heartwarming moments. He told four stories that were fun and funny, three of which are on his CD titled Don’t Kill Santa. My favorite story of the night was the title story, “Don’t Kill Santa.”What do you get when you install an oil heater in the chimney? A panicked five-year-old, because Santa won’t know that the chimney is closed and would come down it and die. Davis changed his voice to match his characters and was especially entertaining pretending to be his five-year-old little brother in a sobbing panic. It was an enjoyable hour of stories, followed by a short signing.

Donald Davis is always worth listening to. His love of family, stories, and his creative storytelling talent is evident in every word he says. His clean humor makes him a good fit for the family friendly events hosted by the Timpanogos Storytelling Institute. If you get the chance to hear him, go and enjoy yourself.

Provo Library and Timpanogos Storytelling Institute presented Don’t Kill Santa: An Evening of Storytelling with Donald Davis.
Provo Library, 550 N University Ave, Provo, UT 84601
Provo Library Facebook Page
Timpanogos Storytelling Facebook Page
Don’t Kill Santa: An Evening of Storytelling with Donald Davis Facebook Event

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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