Front Row Reviewers

Dec 10, 2019 | Reviews, Theater Reviews, Utah

Our Story: A UVU Drag Show Was a Fun and Fulfilling Fundraising Fandango

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Mira Kocherhans

Utah Valley University presents a groundbreaking, one of a kind drag show in Orem, Utah,  Our Story: A UVU Drag Story organized by Shea Sawyer. Those fortunate enough to attend this one-night event will be pressed to forget the moving, invigorating performances and messages conveyed.

Our Story was the first of its kind at UVU, groundbreaking in bringing drag to the UVU stage. Drag is a performance artform wherein gender fluidity is celebrated. It originally referenced men dressing as women, but since its origin, it has expanded to include women dressing as men and everywhere on the spectrum in between, all in the name of self-expression and freedom. Drag shows are known for being larger than life and lively. Thus, heading to a show like this, one knew they were in for a night of excitement.

Attendees entered a club like atmosphere, located in UVU’s Center Stage, that brimmed with anticipation for the events to come. The work of sound supporter and project designer, Hayley Christensen, was instantly evident when you stepped into the room. Chloe Cox was a gorgeous host, eloquently explaining the history of drag and encouraging a comfortable environment for the audience and the performers.

Drag Queen Daisy Duke (Will Bennett) kicked off the night, wearing the highest of heels, with the chic poise of a 20s flapper. She served us a mix of 20s songs with simple choreography with some choice moments of spice. She was followed by Linnox Green (Chris Lancaster), a whirlwind of 40s elegance. She was nothing if not expert in her navigation of the stage and crowd. The crowd clearly wanted more of her. Diana Lone’s (Jared Davies) performance was one of the most original and creative of the night. She donned a sultry black dress and black gloves. And these gloves, to the roar of the crowd, she whipped off, unleashing a shower of pride flag confetti. Next, Randy Scandalous (Caitlin Martinez), the only drag king of the night, got each and every person in the audience in full cheering song, with a rip-roaring rock performance of “What Ever Happened to Saturday Night?” from Rocky Horror Picture Show.  Closing the night came the aptly named Karen Fetch (Adam Gowers), who incited nothing but bursting smiles from the crowd with her zippy rendition of Avril Lavigne’s “Girlfriend”. She never dropped her energy and slayed till the very end.

Not only was the entirety of the show energizing and thrilling, but it was heartening and inspiring. For the finale, Lone returned to the stage to give a storybook style performance focused on body image. It was a stunning, impeccable end to an impeccable evening.

The entire event of Our Story was to fundraise for Enough, directed by Alanna Cottam whodevised a theatre piece focusing on the LGBTQ+ experience. It will perform February 27-29, 2020. If in Our Story is any indicator to the level of superb talent and thoughtfulness that will be present in Enough, there is great cause for excitement and anticipation.

Utah Valley University presented Our Story: A UVU Drag Show, organized by Shea Sawyer.
Utah Valley University Center Stage, 800 W University Pkwy, Orem, UT 84058
December 7, 7:00 PM Saturday. 
Our Story: A UVU Drag Show Facebook Event

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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