Front Row Reviewers

Dec 9, 2019 | Reviews, Theater Reviews, Utah

The Old Barn Community Theatre production of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Brings Charm and Chuckles in Collinston as a Holiday Treat

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Pamela Gee

Holiday treats speak to me and the Herdmans–and that’s where the real trouble begins with the annual, same-old, Christmas pageant featured in Barbara Robinson‘s best-selling novel turned stage play, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever at The Old Barn Community Theatre. Or is it? 

A family of free range children left to their own devices, the Herdmans– Ralph (Graydee Bryne), Imogene (Mallory Jensen and Alivia Oldham), Leroy (Caleb Jensen), Claudia (Elise Ashton/Boston Harding), Ollie (Dallin Shimek), and Gladys (Katy Carter/Maya Winward)–fight, scavenge, steal, lie and dabble in adult vices such as smoking cigars. The only safe place, Beth Bradley (Aunalee Parker/Marissa Pugsley) informs the audience, is church. That is until her little brother, Charlie (Christian Hoisington/Atticus Winward), in desperation and a bit of “sour grapes” tells Ollie he will gladly allow him to steal his lunch, especially his dessert, because he gets his fill of all types in Sunday School each week. Ollie tests the theory alongside his siblings by showing up the following Sunday.

It just so happens, auditions for the upcoming pageant are announced by a novice pageant director, Grace Bradley (Kellie Shimek/Angelie Winward), who by necessity is covering for Mrs. Armstrong (MaryEllen Thompson/Eleanor C. Jensen). Mrs. Armstrong is the church busybody who loves to be in charge of everything, but she has broken her leg. All her responsibilities are divvied out and the pageant gig falls to Grace. 

Reputation precedes the Herdmans (with a little added intimidation) which allows the Herdman clan to usurp the leading roles from the usual cast. Even Alice Wendleken (Bekah Joy Jensen/ Zara Larsen), who always plays Mary, the Mother of Jesus, succumbs to the threats. Who can blame her? No one wants a pussy willow growing out of an ear.

If your family enjoys this story as a holiday tradition, The Old Barn Community Theatre production is a great way to keep it–or begin. The Old Barn turned theater is nestled in the picturesque valley of Collinston between Logan and Tremonton. A short drive on Valley View Highway will bring you plenty of chuckles with this darling cast of children sprinkled with a few adults. Under the direction of Marc Jensen, assisted by Audrey Norton and Matt Jeppson, this primarily young cast flourishes. The cast, notably the Herdmans, had great comic timing. Two casts enabled the directors to utilize twice the number of young people and adults in the production. “Claud” even becomes “Claudia” to utilize more girls cast as a Herdman. But with the sweet message of the story and seeing the true meaning of Christmas through the fresh perspective of the Herdmans, it is nice so many community members are involved. 

Simple set pieces, costume choices and minimal props kept the theater in the round setting optimal. Use of small upper level spaces behind the seating proved effective in sharing brief vignettes. Rotating the interior viewpoint of the church each scene with the rearrangement of the benches allowed the audience clear and unobstructed view of the action. Timing set changes with one verse of traditional Christmas carols sung by the stage crew was a brilliant choice by the directors. It added a festive element which only increased with ugly Christmas sweaters and elf outfits. The costumers Elaine C. Jensen and Ellen Taylor keep things realistic with the Fireman (Joseph Jensen and Daniel Taylor) gear and the needed baby angel sheet with pink dots. 

The Bradley family, including the Father, Bob (Phil Shimek and Matt Jeppesen), worked well together with the commotion of the complexities brought by involving Herdmans in the makeshift pageant. It was good to see the life lessons this central family discovers as they build community and family relationships and make it possible for a Herdman family Christmas miracle.

Come and enjoy The Best Christmas Pageant Ever and inspire your family to focus on the true meaning of Christmas at The Old Barn Community Theatre. With a tear in your eye and a warmed heart, Gladys will get to you…”Shazam!”

The Old Barn Community Theatre presents The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, book and play by Barbara Robinson.
Old Barn Community Theatre, 3605 Bigler Road, Collinston, UT 84306
December 6-21, 2019, 7:30 PM, Saturday matinees 2:30 PM
Tickets: Adult $9, Child (12 and under) $8, Sr (65+)/Military $8
Contact: 435-458-2276
The Old Barn Community Theatre Facebook Page
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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