Front Row Reviewers

Dec 7, 2019 | Reviews, Theater Reviews, Utah

Pioneer Theatre Company’s The Play That Goes Wrong in Salt Lake City Needs No Explanation, But Gives Its Heart and a Well-Timed Chuckle

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Ashlei Havili Thomas

Pioneer Theatre Company’s The Play That Goes Wrong in Salt Lake City is not only a director’s worst nightmare; it brings to mind any performer’s truly memorable goofs with a title that needs no explanation. The play has begun before the audience even has found their seats, with “technical crew” wandering around the theatre and lobby asking patrons if they’ve seen the cast dog, Winston. As the formal beginning of the play unfolds, the hilarity mounts, leading the audience on a cringe-worthy giggle fest where the only tears will be ones of laughter and you’ll need to be careful not to hyperventilate from the ensuing chaos.  Written by Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, and Henry Shields of Mischief Theatre Company, The Play That Goes Wrong will have you glad that this isn’t a normal theatre experience, all the while wishing for more.

After the Cornley Polytechnic Stage Crew make some last minute adjustments to the set, the director of The Murder at Haversham Manor Chris (William Cornell) introduces the play that’s about to be performed and welcomes the audience. The whodunit murder mystery at the Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society goes from bad to worse, with flubbed lines leading to perfect wisecracks, the set falling apart, and the leading lady Sandra (Ruth Pferdehirt) being knocked out and replaced with Annie (Kirsten Wyatt), the stage manager. The play ends with the murdered host not actually being murdered and thwarting the wrongdoers, as the entire set collapses around them.

In this lovely piece of chaos, “the show must go on” becomes the name of the game, and the actors do so with confident panache. Greg Balla as Robert plays the cool and collected best friend of the murdered host. Balla’s cool, dry wit is the perfect embodiment of a man making the best of hell. Cornell’s director turned villain of Chris Daniels is both hilarious and pitiful. As things break down, Cornell’s nerves also fall apart in spectacular style, causing even more shenanigans. Wyatt’s Annie is the awkward saving grace we all need. Her taste of fame makes her unwilling to give it back when Pferdehirt’s Sandra reawakens and their bulldog versus bobcat fight calls back memories from every performer’s high school drama class. The cast works together brilliantly, with perfect timing, panache and enough energy to light up New York and warm everyone’s hearts this holiday season.

It would be remiss to not mention the completely brilliant set design of James Kronzer. Kronzer’s design not only is built to be performed on, but to fall apart while still being safe for performing. Creating set pieces that are safe to walk and climb on while being visually treacherous is a feat previously unseen by this reviewer. Likewise, the costume design of K. L. Alberts is the perfect blend of spectacle and low budget, adding depth to the comedy’s premise. All under the direction of Karen Azenberg, whose leadership shows through with every upped antic.

This play is suitable for all ages, though some of the jokes may go over the younger children’s heads. Don’t worry though, this show has plenty of physical comedy that can’t be missed. Located on the University of Utah campus, parking is limited; this would be a perfect show to take public transportation. With so many White Christmases and Wonderful Lives, this show may seem out of touch, but its heartwarming awkwardness is the perfect start to a season filled with its own awkward moments, chaos and memorable hilarity. Make sure to put The Play That Goes Wrong in your busy holiday schedule. You won’t regret it.

Pioneer Theatre Company presents The Play That Goes Wrong, by Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer and Henry Shields.
Pioneer Theatre Company, The Roy W. and Elizabeth E. Simmons Pioneer Memorial Theatre, 300 S 1400 E, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Dates: Dec. 6-7, 9-14, 16-21, 2019 Mon-Thurs 7:00 PM, Fri-Sat 7:30 PM Dec. 7, 14, 21 2:00 PM
Tickets: $31-40
Pioneer Theatre Company Website
Pioneer Theatre Company Facebook Page
The Play That Goes Wrong Facebook Event

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Front Row Reviewers


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