Front Row Reviewers

Oct 14, 2019 | Theater Reviews, Utah

Weber State University’s Sense and Sensibility in Ogden, Utah Has a Modern Take on an Austen Classic Playing in Browning Center’s Allred Theater

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Richelle Sutton

Weber State University decides to take on a newer play by Kate Hamill, celebrating a sillier view of the original book Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen and unfolding all of the events in the Browning Center’s Allred Theater in Ogden, Utah. Hamill is known for creating female-centered pieces with a little bit of absurdity in them, calling into question certain social and gender issues we sometimes see today. It was first premiered in 2014 with the Bedlam Theatre Company where Hamill herself played Marianne Dashwood.

Many ardent Austen fans will be happy with the familiar events from the original book. The play opens with the unfortunate death of Mr. Dashwood, and unable to leave any wealth to his surviving wife and three daughters per government regulations, the eligible bachelorettes are forced to move into a small cottage in the country. The two sisters, Elinor and Marianne, are not bereft of suitors despite the change of scenery. The sensible Elinor fancies her long-standing friend Edward while the free-spirited Marianne becomes enchanted with the handsome Mr. Willoughby. As love ties get knotted and hearts become broken, the one thing that stays strongest is the love that these two sisters have for one another, despite their different demeanors.

Hats off to Director Jenny Kokai. The biggest trait about this production that pops out in my mind is its colorfulness. From the set, to the costumes, to the characters, everything is vibrant and bright, giving a whole different life and identity to the story. Liberty Lockett (Elinor Dashwood) and Morgan Hekking (Marianne Dashwood) both play fun, charismatic characters that work well with each other’s energies. I was impressed with how Hekking portrays such an emotionally driven character without taking it over the top, which is incredibly important for the character of Marianne. Lockett herself is very loveable even as a strait-laced conservative character like Elinor. The two together are able to convey a compelling message of power in sisterly bonds. I was also intrigued with the use of the ensemble as the gossips, which the dramaturg David Hartwig mentions in his program note. It is a fun dynamic within the play that helps with revealing information to the audience, but also to illustrate the social pressures these characters are constantly under. One of the biggest gossips of them all, Mrs. Jennings (played by Jaycee Harris), is delightfully animated and unapologetically invigorated by the Dashwoods’ plights.

I want to give a big shout out to the scenery construction crew (Stephanie Hurzeler) and designer (Cully Long) for creating a grand eye-catching setting that easily throws the audience into a period love story. The construction of the chairs by the wings is intriguing and the backdrop is elegant. I was also impressed with the versatility of the painted backdrop to the lighting design by James Larson. I was never lost with what time of day it is and the colors mix beautifully to show alluring sunsets, bright sunny days, or cloudy rain. I also really adored the use of the projections (designed by Long) both on the sides of the stage, depicting water color paintings of the settings, as well as scene headings portrayed along the arch on the set. These clear indications make scene changes smooth and timely, which is integral for the plethora of scenes within the script.

Sense and Sensibility by Weber State University is a play that really can relate to everyone in this day and age. I think especially for those tweens and up that hear a lot grief from the media, their peers, and what not. The most important relations in your life are going to be those people who support you and love you not just during the sunny days, but also all of the rainy days. Take a seat in the Browning Center’s Allred Theatre in Ogden, Utah to get a piece of this powerful modern look at a timeless classic.

Weber State University presents Sense and Sensibility, original book by Jane Austen and adapted by Kate Hamill.
Browning Center, 3950 W Campus Dr, Ogden, UT 84408
October 11-12, 16-19 2019, 7:30 PM Matinee October 19 2019, 2:00 PM
Tickets: Adult: $13.00, Senior/Military: $11.00, Students: $8.25
WSU Lindquist College Webpage
WSU Lindquist College Facebook Page

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