Front Row Reviewers

Sep 16, 2019 | Reviews, Utah, Utah County

Avonlea Theater Company’s Production of Midsummer Night’s Dream in Spanish Fork is a Hilarious Treat

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Elizabeth James

Avonlea Theater Company’s production of Midsummer Night’s Dream in Spanish Fork, Utah is a hilarious treat. Marylin Brown adapted this Shakespeare play into a musical, condensing the plot and adding songs to further narrate the events. This surprisingly good mix has many things to be admired. Midsummer Night’s Dream is a tale of romance, mix ups, and fairies, which lends the perfect setting for a musical rendition.

Chloe Henry as Hermia has an astoundingly beautiful voice. It is resonant and elegant, perfect for her role. Hermia is meant to be a beauty and graceful. Henry fits the bill very well.

Chelsea Trammell is Hermia’s best friend, Helena. She has a voice just as stunning as Henry’s. Trammell plays Helena with sweet innocence and desire. She demands respect onstage which adds strength to Helena’s character that is absent when one simply reads the script.

The highlight of the performance is Sarah Hinckley as Puck. She is hysterical. Her mannerisms are exaggerated and full of attitude, which pulls a lot of good laughs from the audience. She clearly loves her role as Puck. She is full of the energy and sass required for such a mischievous character.

Hinckley also designed the set. She is amazingly creative. The set is beautiful, creating an excitement within the audience before the play even starts.

The second highlight of the performance is definitely Adam Keele as Bottom. Every time he came onstage, I knew I was going to get a laugh. He has the presence of a comedian, stealing the stage whenever he speaks. He is very confident onstage, which adds to the strength of his comedy.

James Adams is Hermia’s love, Lysander. He plays the sweet lover with tenderness. There are great moments between him and Allyn Fry’s Demetrius. They play off of each other as jealous lovers. Their interactions are key to the dynamic of the story, and Adams and Fry pull it off beautifully.

Director Tammy Wilson has brought together this musical in such a fun way. The way she and the cast use the theater space is an immersive experience for the audience. Of course, part of that credit goes to stage manager Ruthie Higley.

Huge shout-out to Kelly Dickes the costumer. The costumes make the play. They are so stunning and set up who the characters are before the actors even speak. I was very impressed with the costumes. They are such a treat.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, performed by Avonlea Theater Company at Angelus Theater, is totally worth booking a night for. Wilson has clearly put in a lot of time and love into the play. In a Q & A session afterwards, she mentioned that even if no one was there to watch them perform, they would all perform anyway because everyone involved loves the play so much. And it shows–it is a good time for everyone. Please take time out of your evening to see it. It’s a perfect opportunity for a night out with the whole family.

Photographs by Laura Elizabeth Watkin

Avonlea Theater Company presents A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Book by Marilyn Brown, based on the play by William Shakespeare.
Angelus Theatre, 165 N Main St, Spanish Fork, UT 84660
September 14-28, 2019, 7:00 PM
Tickets: $9 students/seniors, $11 adults
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Facebook Event
Avonlea Theater Company Facebook Page

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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