Front Row Reviewers

Sep 13, 2019 | Dance Reviews, Utah

Utah Metropolitan Ballet’s Legend of Timpanogos, Retells a Native Love Story at the Covey Center for the Arts in Provo, Utah

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Larissa Salcido Carrick

The Utah Metropolitan Ballet opens the season with their signature ballet, Legend of Timpanogos at the Covey Center for the Arts in Provo, Utah, giving Utahans a needed reminder of a heritage kept pure through the art of storytelling. With choreography by founder and artistic director, Jacqueline P. Colledge, and original composition by Micheal D. Babbitt, the combination of movement and music blend beautifully to retell a love story native to Utah Valley. Solosist Nicholas Gili and Jennifer Christie share a chemistry made of equal talent and affection on the stage as they reenact Utah’s Native American love story of Timpanac and Ucanogos. A story inspired by the majesty of Mount Timpanogos and the beating heart inside the Timpanogos Cave.

This adaptation of the Legend of Timpanogos was developed from the tale retold by Andy Anderson. It is a story of Timpanac, a Native American warrior, and Ucanogos, the daughter of the chief of a neighboring tribe. Their love for each other is challenged by the jealousy of other braves in the tribe. Challenges are declared by the chief to win the hand of Ucanogos. The challenges include a race around the large freshwater lake and a competition of hunting the largest game. Timpanac is victorious in both these challenges. The final challenge that will make Ucanogos his bride is a race to the crest of the highest mountain in the valley. Timpanac and Ucanogos promise their love and devotion to each other before Timpanac attempts the dangerous feat. As he nears the crest of the mountain, he is met by a band of envious competitors. The struggle results in a mistep and Timpana’cs fateful fall. Overcome by grief, Ucanogos asks the Great Spirit to let her remain with her lover in death. Her lifeless body becomes the perfect profile of the mountain she lies at the foot of. Timpanac and Ucanogos are joined together in spirit where they remain inside the Heart of Timpanogos.

The ballet is a stunning performance of proud reverence. Members of the audience were audibly struck with pride as we were met with a story that we claim in some part to our history as Utahans. Native American storyteller Ken Duncan helps to relay the story on stage by contributing displays of Native American sign language throughout the ballet in his role of Ucanogos’ chief father. The choreography is set against an autumnal backdrop with movement mimicking wind and falling leaves. The soloists’ Meadow pas de deux is a perfect bloom of unadulterated love. The final scene of Timpanac and Ucanogos reunited in spirit is set against a recognizable backdrop of Mount Timpanogos. As the pair comes together in a final embrace, a dark screen falls in front of them, encircling the couple in the Heart of Timpanogos, their final resting place that can be found in Timpanogos cave.

Legend of Timpanogos is a moving performance of native pride. To have a ballet dedicated to a specific region and story native to that region is something I took great pride in as a member of the audience and Utahan. Other members of the audience openly expressed the same pride and love for our beautiful valley and mountains.

The production is perfected by the efforts of all whom participated. Scenic design by Bill Kirkpatrick, lighting by Mark Ohran, costume design by Sarah B. Price, conductor Bruce Rytting, and the ballet ensemble all come together to give a gift of delightful storytelling and pleasant sensory experience. 

Utah Metropolitan Ballet offers performances of Legend of Timpanogos through September 14th. The Legend of Timpanogos is a story with which each Utahan should be made familiar. This Native American story helps us understand the rich history and culture that came before us, and helps us find greater connection to this place we call home. This weekend experience this story in a unique form told through dance and music.

Utah Metropolitan Ballet Presents Legend of Timpanogos, Choreography by Jacqueline P. Colledge, based on an adaptation by Andy Anderson.
Covey Center for the Arts, 425 W Center Street, Provo, UT 84601
September 12-14, 2019 7:30 PM
Tickets: $18
Covey Center for the Arts Facebook Page
Utah Metropolitan Ballet Facebook Page
Legend of Timpanogos Facebook Event

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