Front Row Reviewers

Sep 3, 2019 | Theater Reviews, Utah

The Scarlet Pimpernel at St. George Musical Theater in Washington, Utah is a Riddle of Passion and Intrigue

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Demi Rose

St. George Musical Theater in St. George, Utah presents the beloved musical The Scarlet Pimpernel, powerfully brought to life by Director Kyle Myrick and Music Director Norm Lister. A surge of emotions run its course instantaneously when entering the theater: excitement, beauty, and horror represent itself in each corner of the stage. Displayed in one corner is the blue and gold aristocratic scene whilst in another corner bares a tall, daunting guillotine, welcoming audience members to what is known for the time (1794) as The Reign of Terror.

In a heightened story of betrayal, tricks, and ruses is the intertwined crossroads of newly married Marguerite St. Just (Mimi Knell) and her husband, Percy Blakeney (Greg Knell). The actors portraying St. Just and Blakeney have an outpouring of talent and are to blame for the emotional rollercoaster that audience members feel. It is difficult for performers to transform a stage, and with an authentic air and crystalline voices in numbers such as “Prayer” and “I’ll Forget You” the Knells have succeeded in doing so.

What compliments Knell’s Blakeney is his “Band of Merry Men”: Ozzy (Adam Cheney), Dewhurst (Tyson Chanticleer), Elton (Nathan Merrill), Farleigh (Caleb Christensen), Hal (Tysen Bang), Armand (Aaron Naylor), and Ben (Ryan Olsen.) All eight men play the roles of hilarious fops in need of silks, taffeta, and frou-frou; no matter the cost. This is to fool all of England as they risk their hides leading a double life of perilous and treasonous journeys to France. Setting sail “Into the Fire,” the ensemble of men sing with enthusiasm and great vocal tonality, saving one person after another from the neck of the guillotine.

In correlation to the strength of the cast, the villain of this musical, Chauvelin (Dane Camp) adds an extra measure of harshness and spite in notable numbers as ominous tones floodlight the stage for powerful crowd favorites, “Madame Guillotine” and “Falcon in The Dive.”

With consideration to the dynamite cast, an even more noteworthy performance is given by the production team. Hats off to Costume Designer and Choreographer (Sammy Myrick) and Costumer Assistant (Grace Wells) who grace the stage with gorgeous, flattering, accurate costumes of the late 1700’s. Lighting (Jennifer Roberts) creates great impact to each scene and greatly draws attention to the simple, appealing, mood-stricken set design (Jim Blackford). Lastly, fight choreographer Rebecca Wright shows a great skill for precision, safety and creativity.

Go see St. George Musical Theater’s The Scarlet Pimpernel to laugh, to cry, and to be charmed. Appropriate for families of older children and up. (It does discuss death by guillotine, after all.)

St. George Musical Theater presents The Scarlet Pimpernel, Book and Lyrics by Nan Knighton, music by Frank Wildhorn.
St. George Musical Theater, 212 N Main St, St. George, UT 84770
Aug. 15 – Sept. 14, 2019 Monday. Thur – Sat 7:30 PM. Matinee September 7, 2019
Tickets: $17 – 21
Contact: 866-967-8167
St. George Musical Theater’s Facebook
The Scarlet Pimpernel Facebook Event
St. George Musical Theater website  

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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