Front Row Reviewers

Jun 15, 2013 | Theater Reviews, Utah County

Grassroots Shakespeare Company’s Much Ado about Nothing is Positively Enjoyable!

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

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By George Loch
In a world full of monetized spectacle, there are still some places we can go that provide jubilant energy and delight with only talent, creativity and enthusiasm. This is what the Grassroots Shakespeare Company brings to its audiences. A wonderful presentation of familiar stories re-told with wit and a high level of accessibility.
From the start, the Grassroots Shakespeare Company set out to bring the heart of the early Elizabethan era practices back into the theater experience – both for performers and the audience. This troupe of performers put on their show with little rehearsal time, little in way of sets or even coordinated costuming and they even leave out the director, in that they don’t have one. The individual actors take it upon themselves to attire their characters both physically and developmentally as they see fit. And as the show begins, you will find them engaging the audience directly and encouraging the cheers and jeers from attendees to create a symbiotic moment in time that is hard to find in today’s entertainment. The result is often a thunderously entertaining.
In this specific presentation, the company’s rendition of Much Ado about Nothing has many familiar elements as well as some fun surprises. The plot follows the arrival of Don Pedro (Trevor Christensen), a Spanish prince, and his officers, Claudio (James Buonous) and Benedick (Eric Geels), from a successful campaign. They come to the home of Leonato (Bianca Morrison Dillard), the governor of Messina, who has a fair daughter, Hero (Kayla Crystal Smith), with whom Claudio falls in love and seeks her hand in marriage. Leonato also has a niece, Beatrice (Ronnie Andersen Stringfellow), who is a lovely woman who has had “a merry war” with Benedick for many years and their battle of wit and sarcasm continues throughout the story. Don Pedro also brings along his brother, Don John (Topher Rasmussen), who is a jealous malcontent that is always seeking his brother’s undermining. He seeks to disrupt the wedding of Claudio and Hero through the use of deceit effected by his minions, Borachio (Cameron Thredgold) and Conrade (Jessamyn Victoria Svensson), by tricking the soldiers into thinking a hapless Margret (Levi Brown), Hero’s attendant, was in fact Hero herself getting frisky with another man. In the midst of this you have the simpleminded head of police (Davey Morrison Dillard (who was recently nominated for another Grassroots Shakespeare Co performance at the Utah Tonys)) and his witless deputy (Steven Pond) who apprehend the perpetrators and bring them to light.
The performances of the cast were all enjoyable. I found myself delighted with the extra sparkle the actors were bringing to their roles like Don Predo’s affable laugh whenever he entered the stage, Don John’s whiney, nerd-like performance as well his use of his minion like a steed. Claudio and Hero had played the youthful love connection dynamically and both Benedick and Beatrice brought fresh and entertaining performances of their fiery tête à tête. There were standout performances with the smaller roles as well. You can’t keep your eyes off of Marget and the comedic delivery of the constable was always anticipated.
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I loved the staging choices made for the different scenes and am always amazed at what the performers manage to attire themselves with that in the onset seem out of place but, quickly become part of a splendid patchwork quilt that is this colorful production.
When you add the wonderful musicians, a fantastic outdoor setting and an active audience, you are taken to a charming place that is difficult to find in our modern world. A place where story, character and love are all that are and that matter. Make sure you get there early so you can enjoy the pre show and, to get the full experience, you must sit/stand in the mosh pit (in front of the stage). It is so much fun! This will be a highlight of your summer. Don’t miss it!
Grassroots Shakespeare Company
Much Ado About Nothing
William Shakespeare
On tour throughout Utah
See website for dates, times and locations,
Free! Donations are welcomed

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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