Front Row Reviewers

Jul 13, 2019 | Theater Reviews, Utah

The Little Mermaid at Cottonwood Heights Theater is a Full Package of Fun

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Elizabeth James

Cottonwood Heights Arts Council‘s The Little Mermaid at the Cottonwood Heights Theateris a magical musical that all should attend. It’s an energetic and fun presentation of the story that you know and love. The director, Brighton Sloan, has made this rendition of The Little Mermaid come to life in such a fun and energetic way.

Benzley Tinney as Ariel really adds sweetness and innocence to the character. She has a darling voice well suited for her role. Tinney’s rendition of the song “Part of Your World” is powerful and is the pinnacle of her performance. It’s beautiful and emotional. Ariel’s interactions with the other characters were so fun; Eric (Nathan Krishnan) is exceedingly charming. Krishnan has a great voice. Eric’s relationship with Ariel was exceptionally cute.

Ariel’s relationship with Flounder, played by Carter Mann, goes beyond what it is in the classic Disney movie. Flounder has a crush on Ariel unbeknownst to her. It brought a new dynamic to the story, making it fun and interesting. Mann has so much confidence on stage; he is a joy to watch.

Tinney and Mann are not the only stars who grace The Little Mermaid with their talents. Missy Riffle commands the stage as Ursula. She has a strong presence perfectly suited for the crafty villainess that she plays. Her dynamic with Triton (Brent Sloan) is one of a jealous sister getting revenge by using his precious, sweet child. Riffle plays deviousness and jealousy very well. She is a very talented actor.

Ursula’s minions, Flotsam and Jetsam, are played by Avery Dall and Sylia Seitz. They do so well slinking around the stage. They have such beautiful voices which meld very well together in their duet “Sweet Child.” It was one of my favorite songs. They did so well. In addition to their talents, their costumes are so impressive. They are black with glow-in-the-dark designs. Shout out to the whole team of costume designers. I can’t even imagine how much work went into the costumes. They are all so vibrant and beautiful.

The costumes are a real treat in “Under the Sea.” The song is as vibrant as it should be. “Under the Sea” is one of Disney’s most beloved songs, and the cast and crew make it as spirited and lively as it ought to be. The costumes are bright and colorful, and the ensemble is energetic and just so fun to watch. They are clearly having a good time. Heather Sessions choreography is playful and beautiful all at the same time. I loved how the ensemble all came together in the last chorus of “Under the Sea.” “Under the Sea” is sung by none other than Sebastian (Megan Robertson). Robertson sings beautifully. She has a very strong voice and she plays her part superbly. She is so funny as the over-anxious crustacean caring for Ariel.

My favorite scene is the sinking of the boat when Ariel is watching Eric from afar. The effects made it so real. It is a very exciting scene. Credit goes to the lighting design of Chris Peck, the sound design of Ryan Pedersen, and the set design of Michael Monson and Robert Roundy. Credit is also due to Sessions’ choreography for the ocean dancers. I loved how they dance like waves of the ocean. It is a fun effect to portray the movement of the waves.

The Little Mermaid wouldn’t be the same without its beautiful music. Credit goes to Dr BJ Bedont as music director.

So much work went into making The Little Mermaid an enjoyable play. It’s perfect for the whole family. When I went, a little girl sitting next to me sang along with Ariel during “Part of Your World”–so sweet. It’s a full package of fun; it has music, singing, dancing–a full display of the talents of many people who have come together to bless the community. The whole cast and crew clearly love what they do and will bring a smile to everyone’s face. Let it be part of your world.

Cottonwood Heights Theatre presents The Little Mermaid
Cottonwood Heights Theatre 7530 S 2700 E, UT 84121
July 12-13, 15, 18-20, 2019, 7:30PM
Tickets: $10 Children, $12 Adults
Cottonwood Heights Theatre Cottonwood Heights Arts Council Facebook

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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