Front Row Reviewers

Thanks to I Hate Hamlet at Heritage Theatre in Perry, Utah, I No Longer Hate Hamlet

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Brett Johnson

Heritage Theatre, located in Perry, UT, has a quaint hospitable feel, and their production of I Hate Hamletis also full of welcoming charm. I Hate Hamlet by Paul Rudnick, originally premiered on Broadway in 1991 and is written as a witty comedy, juxtaposed with a thought-provoking look into the life of an actor. It is set in the New York apartment of famous deceased actor, John Barrymore (Dave McKenzie/Matthew Dickerson), currently inhabited by his ghost, who mentors television star turned Shakespearian hopeful, Andrew Ralley (Quin Geilman).

As I walked in, I didn’t know what to expect since I hadn’t heard of this play before. I was immediately impressed with the use of space and descriptive set, designed by Makenzie Speelman. The upscale New York apartment set is nicely done, with just enough detail to catch the eye but not distract from the story. The only inconsistency to me was why they used both a rotary phone as well as a cell phone.

Director Justin “Spot” Beecher fine tunes both the drama and humor provided by the script with his well assembled cast of talented actors. The company works well together and throughout the show one can clearly see they mesh well. Beecher made sure the flow is natural and entertaining. I appreciated the diversity in the character choices made by all actors, as it really enhanced my experience.

As the play starts off we are introduced to Andrew Ralley,his innocent girlfriend, Deirdre McDavey (Carisa Barker), and his realtor Felicia Dantine (Makayla Thornley).The effortless way these three play off each other makes for a great opening. Barker is full of energy and smiles and portrays the innocent girlfriend well, her eyes bright and charisma endless. Thornley has a great steady accent, solid character development, and delivers some witty one-liners that breathe life into the show early on.

McKenzie is a good character actor with excellent comedic timing and commands each scene well. He is clearly an experienced actor and moves easily and nonchalantly around the stage.

Beecher chose to cast Aubrey Dickey in the role of Regina Lefkowitz (formerly Gary), traditionally played by a male. Dickey’s effortless performance is full of expression and she brings a certain flare to the character that solidified Beecher’s casting choice.

Another standout character that rounds out the cast is Lillian Troy played by Gena Lott. Lott is truly a master of the art with genuine depth and enough stage presence to fill the room.

Geilman makes some nice choices with his character’s journey. He portrays the experience actors sometimes go through with emotion and heart. By the end of his soliloquy, I was yearning to hear more of his heart-stirring reading of Shakespeare.

The Heritage has rightfully given this show a PG-13 rating, as there is plenty of innuendo and it is definitely for mature audiences. With that said, it is very entertaining up until the end bows upon bows. I heard audience members thoroughly enjoying themselves with loud laughter and comments of how well executed Heritage Theatre’s I Hate Hamlet is.  I would highly recommend you make the drive to Perry for an entertaining evening.

Heritage Community Theatre presents I Hate Hamlet by Paul Rudnick.
Heritage Theatre, 2505 US-89, Perry, UT 84302.
April 12-May 4, 2019. 7:30 PM Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
Tickets: $10-12
Contact:  435-723-8392
Heritage Theatre Facebook Page  
I Hate Hamlet Facebook Event

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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