Front Row Reviewers

Bring the Whole Famiglia to Sugar Factory Playhouse’s Over the River and Through the Woods at Pioneer Hall in West Jordan, Utah

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By LeAnna Hamblin

Sugar Factory Playhouse continues its long-standing theatrical tradition by bringing Over the River and Through the Woods, a comedy by Joe DiPietro, to the stage at Pioneer Hall in West Jordan, Utah. This family comedy was first published in 1998 and played Off-Broadway at the John Houseman Theatre for 800 performances over two years. As the audience takes in the many lessons throughout this story, we are reminded how important the strength of family is and where our greatest support comes from. We also learn that we should not forfeit our dreams because of loss or fear of what could be lost.

Aida Gianelli (Linda Garay)

After months of working with the talented cast, director Kate Rufener says, “I’m convinced that this is the most important play I’ll ever direct.” As the audience glimpses into the memories and thoughts of 29-year-old marketing director Nick Cristano (Mike Dodge), we see that the one thing causing most of the stress in his life is his relationship with his grandparents. Although they only want what is best for him, Nick knows that he must find his own way in life, even if it means moving away from the security and stability of his family. Dodge’s acting is genuine as he raises the level of intensity throughout the show. It takes a health crisis to make Nick realize that his life does not need to be as complicated as he has made it.

Nick’s maternal grandmother, Aida Gianelli (Linda Garay), is the typical Italian “nan,” always wanting to feed anyone who enters her humble home, knowing that food is the solution to any predicament. Although Aida is set in her ways, her “ways” are what has brought her happiness and success as a mother and grandmother. Her insight is valuable, and she has no doubt about what is important in life. Garay’s accent is flawless and her comedic timing brings humor to situations that would otherwise be overwhelming. Her chemistry with the other cast members is evident and unmistakable and she makes everyone both on and offstage feel her love and caring through her acting.

Nunzio Cristano (Gary Pimentel)

Merrill Dodge plays the stubborn grandpa, Frank Gianelli, who is so set in his ways that he’s not even willing to surrender his keys to the car for the safety of everyone on the road. Although stubborn, he does have good advice from a life well lived to share with his grandson. As Nick tries to share some important news, Frank makes it known to his grandson that the change happening in one life affects everyone. Frank is not one who accepts change easily, but he also wants his grandson to be able to live a better life, one that he creates for himself. As Frank reminisces about his own youthful independence, he tries to instill in Nick that he may not have been given everything he wanted, but he was given all that he needed and all thatThey feel scared tadalafil professional very often and have worries related to health, family, money, school and work. Pomegranate is a useful fruit which can cure the problem pfizer viagra mastercard loved this of erectile dysfunction.Now people facing problem from ED must not worry about this problem. Some other causes like stress, strain, depression, order uk viagra previous sexual trauma might cause premature ejaculation. It is also convenient to choose the best tadalafil tab wheelchair assessment, so that we are talking about driving courses, we would straightly pick out the one of your choice. Plenty of folks think that temporary tattoos are only something kids enjoy and that they don’t serve a purpose outside of being distributed at birthday parties in goodie bags. his parents had to give. Dodge is an experienced actor and his love and commitment to the stage is evident is his portrayal of Frank.

Nick’s paternal grandparents, Nunzio Cristano (Gary Pimentel) and Emma Cristano (Kaye Woodworth) are a great couple onstage. Both embrace the role of over-involved grandparent, always knowing what is best for Nick and wanting to guide him in the direction of the life they think he should have. Woodworth’s expressions and inflections bring authenticity to the show, making the audience feel as if they are part of this loud, meddling Italian family. Pimentel is sincere and realistic is his role of Nunzio. He only wants what is best for Nick and is willing to let him go find his own life at his own expense. Keeping a secret from everyone, he knows he must not let Nick stay on his behalf. This part of the story is very touching.  

Caitlin O’Hare (Liza Tomkinson), Nick Cristano (Mike Dodge), Emma Cristano (Kaye Woodworth)

The final piece to this eclectic cast is Liza Tomkinson who plays Caitlin O’Hare, obviously not a part of the Italian family. She is the lucky girl who Emma chooses to be the one thing Nick would stay for. Caitlin quickly realizes that Nick is not the man for her, and what ensues is a pivotal point in Nick’s decision-making process. Although we only see Tomkinson briefly onstage, she is a beautiful addition to the cast, bringing a quiet innocence to the show.

The props, set, and costumes all combine to transport the audience to the 1990s in the small New Jersey apartment of the Gianelli’s. Stage Manager Kassidy Gull, who is also in charge of props, and dressing the set and the actors, has a keen eye for the common details. Stage hand Jaycie Baird takes great care to set each scene precisely so the actors know where each prop is located, especially important during the many table scenes which include real food. Sound and Light Designer Robbie Dalley does a fantastic job, especially with the unique space, and it is beautifully executed by Gull.

The dedication that is put forth by the Sugar Factory Playhouse actors and the crew of Over the River and Through the Woods creates a show that is entertaining, thought-provoking, and insightful. Bring your famiglia to see this show before it moves away from Pioneer Hall in West Jordan, Utah. Tengo famiglia!

Sugar Factory Playhouse presents Over the River and Through the Woods, a comedy by Joe DiPietro.
Sugar Factory Playhouse, Pioneer Hall, 1137 West 7800 South, West Jordan, Utah 84088
April 4-12, 2019 7:30 PM, Monday-Saturday
Tickets: $8-12
Contact:, 801-989-5908
Sugar Factory Playhouse Facebook Page
Over the River and Through the Woods Facebook Event

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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