Front Row Reviewers

Mar 17, 2019 | Theater Reviews

Upper Earthers at Utah Children’s Theatre Welcome 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in Salt Lake City

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Monica Park

Utah Children‘s Theater in Salt Lake City brings the Jules Verne classic 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea to full life on their historic stage. The book, first published in 1870, has been adapted many times in mediums ranging from graphic novel to a Disney animated feature. Director Joanne M. Parker did an amazing job with this melodramatic rendition of the well-known book. Though it is a work often read by youth, this “Upper Earther” (non-sea-dweller)  was unfamiliar with the theater and story. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is a classic story of mystery, good vs. evil, and boy gets the girl, with plenty of humor and adventure added to the mix.

The plot follows the story of hero Ned Landers (Trayven Call) as well as his trusted co-worker and sidekick Conseil (Bryson Dumas) These two accompany a professor, a journalist, and a sea captain on a quest to solve the mystery of a sea that is sinking ships. It is on this journey that they meet Captain Nemo (Stephen Harmon), who takes them prisoner aboard the fantastical submarine Nautilusand brings them to the brink of death and into contact with mythological creatures.

Harmon plays the dark and brooding Captain Nemo well, with dark looks and frowns on his face. Dumas’ Conseil is a crowd favorite and it is a joy to hear the children in the audience laughing at his antics. Mr. Cockles (Steven Sweeney) is played stoically. Steve Headman plays the infamous New York Times Editor-in-Chief and his authenticity is wonderful. Lilly Landing (Lexi Thomas) beautifully plays a reporter for The Hoboken, who hopes to get a scoop and save her paper, all while disguised as a man. Call plays Ned Land as a hero, battling monsters and getting the girl. The artist performers are excellent at their craft. The children in the audience were completely absorbed, and this landlubber was pretty blown away as well.

Versatile sailors played by Lea, Maddox Thompson, Aidan Tappert, and Kaden Taylor are imperative to the story experience, as are the backstage crew.

From the very helpful box office gal, dressed in period appropriate uniform, and the classically remodeled historic facilities, I was enthralled. The house made sweet treats (the pretty pink cake with candy pearls was as tasty as pretty) of Chef Amy Richardson were scrumptious. The intimate stage setting that extends beyond center stage to engulf the audience, the artist performers excellent at their craft, the set design by James B. Parker, and period Costume Design by Julie Anderson make seeing a performance at Utah Children’s Theatre an immersive experience.

It all comes to a great and triumphant end but you’ll need to see Utah Children’s Theatre’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in Salt Lake City to find out what happens. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is a wonderful introduction to a literacy classic for “Upper Earthers” of many ages.

The Children’s Theatre of Utah presents, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Director Joanne M. Parker.
The Children’s Theatre of Utah, 3605 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115.
March 9-April 13, 2019 7:00 PM.  Saturday 1:00 PM, 4:30 PM
Tickets: $16
Contact: 801-532-6000,
Utah Children’s Theatre Facebook Page

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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